Archive | Artificial Intelligence

Methods of Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence | Computer Science

The requisite background of intelligent systems or agents it is pertinent to discuss how a problem can be solved by these agents. An agent is anything which can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through actuators. A human agent has ears, eyes and other organs for sensors and hands, legs, mouth etc., for [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:36+05:30January 25, 2018|Problem Solving|Comments Off on Methods of Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence | Computer Science

Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Computer Science

The vast field of artificial intelligence has a wide spectrum of applications a few of them are given here: 1. General Problem Solving 2. Expert Systems 3. Natural Language Processing 4. Computer Vision 5. Robotics 6. Computer-Aided Instructions (CAI) 7. Planning. Application # 1. General Problem Solving: Several specific problems such as water jug problem, travelling sales man problem or [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:36+05:30January 25, 2018|Artificial Intelligence|Comments Off on Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Computer Science

Heuristics and Problem Solving | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about the need and types of heuristics for problem solving. Travelling Salesman Problem – Need of Heuristics: Will the control strategy which causes motion and is systematic, lead always to the solution? This is not so always, for example, consider the following problem: A salesman has a list of cities, each of which he [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:36+05:30January 25, 2018|Problem Solving|Comments Off on Heuristics and Problem Solving | Artificial Intelligence

Notes on Water Jug Problem | Artificial Intelligence

The problem, play chess, has been described as a problem of moving around in a state space; where each state corresponds to a legal position of the board. Starting from initial state and using a set of rules to move from one state to another can give rise to one of a set of final states. The combination of all [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:36+05:30January 25, 2018|State Space Search|Comments Off on Notes on Water Jug Problem | Artificial Intelligence

Production Systems for Modeling Human Behaviour | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Origin and Role of Production Systems 2. Architecture of Production Systems 3. Algorithm of Problem Solving 4. Issues. Origin and Role of Production Systems: The origin of the production systems dates back to 1943 when they were proposed by Emil Post for the first time. Since then they have undergone various modifications, [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:36+05:30January 25, 2018|State Space Search|Comments Off on Production Systems for Modeling Human Behaviour | Artificial Intelligence

Problems Encountered in Artificial Intelligence (Characteristics)

In order to solve a problem it need to be analyzed on the following lines: 1. Is the program decomposable into a set of independent smaller or easier sub-problems? 2. Can the solution steps be ignored or undone if they prove fruitless? 3. Is the problem’s universe predictable? 4. Is the good solution absolute or relative? 5. Is the desired [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:36+05:30January 25, 2018|Problems|Comments Off on Problems Encountered in Artificial Intelligence (Characteristics)

Hill Climbing and Best-First Search Methods | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Algorithm for Hill Climbing 2. Difficulties of Hill Climbing 3. Determination of an Heuristic Function 4. Best-First Search 5. Best-First Algorithm for Best-First Search 6. Finding the Best Solution - A* Search. Algorithm for Hill Climbing: Begin: 1. Identify possible starting states and measure the distance (f) of their closeness with the [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:35+05:30January 25, 2018|Search Methods|Comments Off on Hill Climbing and Best-First Search Methods | Artificial Intelligence

Informed Search Methods and Combinational Problem | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. And-OR Graph during Search Methods 2. Difference Between OR and AND-OR Graph during Search Methods 3. Limitations of AND-OR Graph. And-OR Graph during Search Methods: AND OR graph (to tree) is useful for representing the solutions of problems which can be solved by decomposing them into a set of smaller problems, all [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:35+05:30January 25, 2018|Search Methods|Comments Off on Informed Search Methods and Combinational Problem | Artificial Intelligence

Search Methods and Combinational Problem | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Search Methods for the Problem of Combinational Explosion 2. Uninformed Search Methods for the Problem of Combinational Explosion 3. Branch and Bound 4. Beam Search Methods 5. Informed Search or Heuristic Search Methods 6. Simulated Annealing Search 7. Comparison. Search Methods Search Methods for the Problem of Combinational Explosion: Heuristics always help [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:35+05:30January 25, 2018|Search Methods|Comments Off on Search Methods and Combinational Problem | Artificial Intelligence

Types of Search Methods: 3 Types | Artificial Intelligence

The following points highlight the three main types of search methods used in artificial intelligence. The types of are: 1. Incremental Heuristic Search 2. Constraint Satisfaction 3. Means-End-Analysis. Type # 1. Incremental Heuristic Search: Incremental search has been studied at least since the late 1960s. Incremental search algorithms reuse information from previous searches to speed up the current search and [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:35+05:30January 25, 2018|Search Methods|Comments Off on Types of Search Methods: 3 Types | Artificial Intelligence
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