Archive | Expert Systems

Expert Systems: Features and Actors | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Expert System 2. Features of an Expert System 3. Actors. Introduction to Expert Systems: 1. They are a class of computer programs which can advise, analyse, categorise, communicate, consult, conceptualize, design, diagnose, explain, forecast, identify, interpret, justify, learn, manage, monitor, plan, present, retrieve, schedule, test and tutor. In brief, they [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:33+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Expert Systems: Features and Actors | Artificial Intelligence

Construction of an Expert System: 4 Tools | Artificial Intelligence

The expert system tools are programming systems which simplify the job of constructing an expert system. They range from very high-level programming language to low-level support facilities. We divide expert system tools into four major categories as shown in Fig. 12.12. We will describe these tools and explain briefly how they are used. Type # 1. Programming Languages: Most important [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:33+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Construction of an Expert System: 4 Tools | Artificial Intelligence

Examples of Expert Systems | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about the examples of expert system. The examples are: 1. MYCIN 2. Prospector 3. Dendral 4. Mass/Charge 5. XCON. Example # 1. MYCIN: Historically, the MYCIN system played a major role in stimulating research interest in rule-based expert systems. MYCIN is an expert system for diagnosing and recommending treatment of bacterial infections of the [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:28+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Examples of Expert Systems | Artificial Intelligence

Expert Systems: Components and Architecture | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Components of an Expert System 2. Architecture of an Expert System. Components of an Expert System: The knowledge based approach to expert system design represents: An expert system consists of the following main components: 1. Knowledgebase. 2. Inference engine ā€” a reasoning mechanism and heuristics for problem solving (searching techniques). 3. Explanatory [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:28+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Expert Systems: Components and Architecture | Artificial Intelligence

Applications of Expert Systems | Artificial Intelligence

E.S. are found to be suitable for those problems for which solution steps are not clearly defined. The action taken depends not only on the present values of data but on the outcome of previous decisions, historical data and trends. 1. Control and Monitoring: Control and monitoring systems usually perform sequential tasks and are closely integrated. Monitoring is required for [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:28+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Applications of Expert Systems | Artificial Intelligence

Expert Systems: Components and Architecture | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Components of an Expert System 2. Architecture of an Expert System 3. Benefits and Limitations. Components of an Expert System: An expert system consists of the following main components: 1. Knowledgebase. 2. Inference engine ā€” a reasoning mechanism and heuristics for problem solving (searching techniques). 3. Explanatory component. 4. Human ā€” Machine [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:28+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Expert Systems: Components and Architecture | Artificial Intelligence

Construction of an Expert System: 4 Tools | Artificial Intelligence

The expert system tools are programming systems which simplify the job of constructing an expert system. They range from very high-level programming language to low-level support facilities. We divide expert system tools into four major categories as shown in Fig. 12.12. We will describe these tools and explain briefly how they are used. Type # 1. Programming Languages: Most important [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:28+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Construction of an Expert System: 4 Tools | Artificial Intelligence

Stages to Develop an Expert System | Artificial Intelligence

The following points highlight the five main stages to develop an expert system.The stages are: 1. Identification 2. Conceptualisation 3. Formalisation (Designing) 4. Implementation 5. Testing (Validation, Verification and Maintenance). A knowledge engineer is an AI specialist, perhaps a computer scientist or programmer, who is skilled in the 'Art' of developing expert systems, unlike other engineering disciplines, there are no [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:28+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Stages to Develop an Expert System | Artificial Intelligence

Notes on Decision-Theoretic Expert Systems | Artificial Intelligence

The below mentioned article provides a note on decision-theoretic expert systems. The field of decision analysis, which got evolved in the 1950s and 1980s studies the application of decision theory of actual decision problems. It is used to help make rational decisions in important domains where the stakes are high, such as business, government law, military strategy, medical diagnosis and [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:27+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Notes on Decision-Theoretic Expert Systems | Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge Elicitation and Its Techniques | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Knowledge Elicitation 2. Techniques for Knowledge Elicitation 3. Tool Support. Meaning of Knowledge Elicitation: Assuming, that we have considered our domain of interest carefully and defined the boundaries of the expert system, our first and most crucial stage is knowledge acquisition. Knowledge acquisition is the process of getting information out [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:27+05:30January 25, 2018|Expert Systems|Comments Off on Knowledge Elicitation and Its Techniques | Artificial Intelligence
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