Archive | Languages

Natural Language Processing: Need and Applications | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Natural Language Processing 2. Need of Natural Understanding 3. Conceptual Dependency Theory 4. CD-Based Programs 5. Applications. Introduction to Natural Language Processing: Natural language understanding is one of the most popular applications of artificial intelligence portrayed in fiction and the media. The idea of being able to control computers by [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:34+05:30January 25, 2018|Languages|Comments Off on Natural Language Processing: Need and Applications | Artificial Intelligence

How Does Natural Language Understanding System Works? | AI

The following article will guide you about how does natural language understanding system works? There are three primary stages in natural language processing: 1. Syntactic analysis, 2. Semantic analysis and 3. Pragmatic analysis. Sentences can be well formed or ill formed syntactically, semantically and pragmatically. Take the following four response to the question: "Do you know where the college is"? [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:34+05:30January 25, 2018|Languages|Comments Off on How Does Natural Language Understanding System Works? | AI

Why is Natural Language Understanding Difficult? | AI

The primary problem with natural language processing is the ambiguity of language. There are a number of levels at which ambiguity may occur in natural language (of course a single sentence may include several of these levels). First a sentence or phrase may be ambiguous at a syntactic level. Syntax relates to the structure of the language, the way the [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:34+05:30January 25, 2018|Languages|Comments Off on Why is Natural Language Understanding Difficult? | AI

Pattern Matching Problems in Natural Language Processing Systems | AI

In this article we will discuss about the pattern matching problems in natural language processing systems. The inherent problems in pattern matching become more clear when we discuss the following programs: Sir: The basic algorithm used in Bertram Raphael's Ph.D. thesis work, SIR (Semantic Information Retrieval) is a pattern matching scheme similar to that used in ELIZA, but SIR differs [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:34+05:30January 25, 2018|Languages|Comments Off on Pattern Matching Problems in Natural Language Processing Systems | AI

Prolog-Programming: Features and Disadvantages | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Prolog-Programming 2. Features of Prolog-Programming 3. Disadvantages 4. Syntax. Introduction to Prolog-Programming: If LISP is the native language of AI research in the United States, then Prolog is the foreign language. Prolog was written by a team headed by Alain Colmerauer of Marsielles, France, during 1970-1972, and a very fast [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:26+05:30January 25, 2018|Languages|Comments Off on Prolog-Programming: Features and Disadvantages | Artificial Intelligence

List of Artificial Intelligence Languages

Here is list of artificial intelligence languages: 1. Declarative Vs. Procedural Language 2. Smalltalk Language 3. POP (POP-11) Language. 1. Declarative Vs. Procedural Language: In procedural programming (in languages like Pascal, Basic) we tell the computer what do to and exactly how to do it. This is done through specific instructions given to the machine in the program. A typical [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:26+05:30January 25, 2018|Languages|Comments Off on List of Artificial Intelligence Languages

LISP-LIST Processor: Meaning and Features | Artificial Intelligence

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of LISP 2. Salient Features of LISP 3. Elementary Syntax. Meaning of LISP: LISP is a dynamic language of exceptional power and flexibility and has been the dominant language for artificial intelligence programming. Originally designed for symbolic computing, LISP has been extended and refined over its life time in direct response [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:28:26+05:30January 25, 2018|Languages|Comments Off on LISP-LIST Processor: Meaning and Features | Artificial Intelligence
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