Archive | Concrete

Curing of Concrete: Purposes, Period, Effects, Factors and Methods | Engineering

The concrete surfaces are kept wet for a certain period after placing of concrete so as to promote the hardening of cement. It consists of a control of temperature and of the moisture movement from and into the concrete. The term curing of concrete is used to indicate all such procedures and processes. Purposes of Curing: Following are the objects [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:52+05:30June 1, 2018|Concrete|Comments Off on Curing of Concrete: Purposes, Period, Effects, Factors and Methods | Engineering

How to Repair and Maintain Concrete Works ? | Concrete Technology

For repairing concrete works following methods may be adopted: 1. By the Use of Expanding Cement Method 2. By Dry Pack Method 3. By Replacement of Concrete Method 4. By Mortar Replacement Method or Pneumatically Placed Mortar 5. Pre-Packed Concrete. 1. By the Use of Expanding Cement Method: This method is specially useful for hydraulic structures. If small holes or [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:43+05:30December 28, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on How to Repair and Maintain Concrete Works ? | Concrete Technology

Under Water Repair of Concrete: Features and Steps | Concrete Technology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Special Features of Under Water Repair 2. Steps Involved in Under Water Repair of Concrete 3. Modification in Mix Design 4. Placement Methods. Special Features of Under Water Repair: The special features of underwater repairs are as follows: 1. The underwater repairs are more complex and highly costly. Hence the repair operations [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:43+05:30December 28, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Under Water Repair of Concrete: Features and Steps | Concrete Technology

Pulse Velocity of Concrete: 6 Factors | Concrete Technology

Following factors affect the value of pulse velocity: 1. Smoothness of Contact Surface under Test 2. Length of Path of Pulse Velocity 3. Temperature of Concrete 4. Moisture Conditions of Concrete 5. Presence of Reinforcing Steel 6. Material and Mix Proportion of the Concrete. Factor # 1. Smoothness of Contact Surface under Test: There should be good acoustical contact between [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:43+05:30December 28, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Pulse Velocity of Concrete: 6 Factors | Concrete Technology

Strength Test Results of Concrete: 6 Factors | Concrete Technology

The factors have been found to influence the test results to a great extent are: 1. Effect of Size and Shape of Specimen 2. Effect of Conditions of Casting 3. Effect of Moisture Content of Specimen 4. Effect of Temperature of Specimen at Test 5. Effect of Bearing Conditions 6. Effect of Rate of Loading. Factor # 1. Effect of [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:42+05:30December 28, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Strength Test Results of Concrete: 6 Factors | Concrete Technology

Strength of Concrete: 5 Factors | Concrete Technology

Generally the factors that affect the strength of concrete are: 1. Age of Concrete 2. Coarse Aggregate 3. Richness of the Mix 4. Curing of Concrete 5. Temperature of Concrete.  Factor # 1. Age of Concrete: The relation between the water/cement ratio and strength of concrete applies to one type of cement at one age only. Different types of cements [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:56+05:30December 18, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Strength of Concrete: 5 Factors | Concrete Technology

Analysis of Fresh Concrete | Building Materials | Concrete Technology

Sometimes it is essential to determine the propor­tions of various constituents of concrete. This can be done easily in the field if the concrete is fresh and ana­lysis is done within five minutes of discharge of the con­crete mix from the mixer or agitator. If it is not possible to start the test within five minutes after discharge of concrete [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:56+05:30December 18, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Analysis of Fresh Concrete | Building Materials | Concrete Technology

High Strength Concrete and Its Production | Concrete Technology

Generally concrete is classified as Normal strength concrete (NSC), High strength concrete (HSC) and ultra-high strength concrete (UHSC). However there is no clear cut boundary for the classifica­tion. Indian Standard for mix design has suggested the boundary at 35 MPa (350 kg/cm2) between Normal and High strength concretes. However no boundary has been fixed between High strength concrete and ultra-high [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:56+05:30December 18, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on High Strength Concrete and Its Production | Concrete Technology

High Performance Concrete (HPC) and Its Aggregates | Concrete Technology

High performance terminology is a new coined term. A concrete mix which possesses the high workability, high strength, high modulus of elasticity, high density, low permeability and low resistance to chemical attack and high dimensional stability is called high performance concrete. In normal concrete, relatively low strength and elastic modulus are due to the high heterogeneous nature of the structure [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:56+05:30December 18, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on High Performance Concrete (HPC) and Its Aggregates | Concrete Technology

Pumping of Concrete: System, Working and Problems | Concrete Technology

Pumping of concrete is economical if the quantity of concrete required is more than about 1150 m3 or uninterrupted supply of concrete is needed over a long period as at the beginning of each period of pump­ing the pipes have to be lubricated by mortar (at the rate of about 0.25 in3 per 1000 m length of 150 mm diameter [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:55+05:30December 18, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Pumping of Concrete: System, Working and Problems | Concrete Technology
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