Archive | Static Relays

Classification of Static Relays | Devices | Electrical Engineering

Static relays are classified according to the type of the measuring unit or comparator as follows: 1. Electronic Relays 2. Transductor (Magnetic Amplifier Relays) 3. Rectifier Bridge Relays 4. Transistor Relays 5. Hall Effect Relays 6. Gauss Effect Relays. 1. Electronic Relays: These were the first to be developed in the series of static relays. Fitzgerald presented a carrier current [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:34+05:30March 7, 2018|Static Relays|Comments Off on Classification of Static Relays | Devices | Electrical Engineering

Static Distance Relays and Its Characteristics | Electrical Engineering

Distance relays are characterised by having two input quantities proportional to the voltage and current at a particular point in the power system, referred to as the relaying point. Ideal static distance relays have characteristics independent of actual magnitudes of voltage and current but dependent only on their ratio and phase angle between them. The versatile family of distance relays [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:34+05:30March 7, 2018|Static Relays|Comments Off on Static Distance Relays and Its Characteristics | Electrical Engineering

Static Relays: Need and Limitations | Devices | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Static Relays 2. Need for Static Relays 3. Essential Components 4. Advantages 5. Limitations. Contents: Meaning of Static Relays Need for Static Relays Essential Components of Static Relays Advantages of Static Relays Limitations of Static Relays 1. Meaning of Static Relays: A static relay refers to a relay in which [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:34+05:30March 7, 2018|Static Relays|Comments Off on Static Relays: Need and Limitations | Devices | Electrical Engineering

Static Overcurrent Relays and Its Types | Devices | Electrical Engineering

The overcurrent relays, even though simplest of all types of electromechanical relays, are the most difficult static relays. This is because the induction disc characteristics of the overcurrent relays (inverse characteristics) are not amenable to simple mathematical analysis. The first static relays developed were the high speed differential relays and the distance relays. Fault current level detectors are termed overcurrent [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:33+05:30March 7, 2018|Static Relays|Comments Off on Static Overcurrent Relays and Its Types | Devices | Electrical Engineering

Static Differential Relays: Measuring Difference in Electrical Quantities

The differential relay measures the phasor difference between two similar electrical quantities (voltage-voltage or current-current). The rectifier bridge amplitude comparator is the most com­mon static form for applications as a differential relay element. The block diagram for such a relay is shown in Fig. 4.16. Inputs I and II are supplied to the comparator. The output of the comparator (phasor [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Static Relays|Comments Off on Static Differential Relays: Measuring Difference in Electrical Quantities
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