Archive | Voltage

Voltage: Variation, Imbalance and Fluctuations | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Long Duration Voltage Variations in Power System 2. Short Duration Voltage Variations in Power System 3. Voltage Imbalance 4. Voltage Fluctuations. Long Duration Voltage Variations: It is defined as "Long-duration variations encompass root-mean-square (rms) deviations at power frequencies for longer than 1 min." ANSI C84.1 specifies the steady-state voltage tolerances expected on [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:24:59+05:30December 28, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Voltage: Variation, Imbalance and Fluctuations | Electrical Engineering

Computation of Voltage Sag Performance | Power System

There are two possible locations for faults on the distribution systems, i.e., on the same feeder and on parallel feeders. An area of vulnerability defining the total circuit miles of fault exposures that can cause voltage sags below equipment sag ride- through capability at a specific customer needs to be defined. The computation of the expected voltage sag performance can [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:24:58+05:30December 28, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Computation of Voltage Sag Performance | Power System

Voltage Sag: Sources and Interruptions | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Sources of Voltage Sags 2. Area of Vulnerability 3. Equipment Sensitivity 4. Interruptions 5. Performance Evaluation 6. Protection. Voltage sag is a short duration (typically 0.5 to 30 cycles) reduction in rms voltage caused by faults on the power system and by the starting of large loads, such as motors. Momentary interruptions [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:24:58+05:30December 28, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Voltage Sag: Sources and Interruptions | Electrical Engineering

Improving Voltage Sag Performance (Technologies) | Electrical Engineering

The following points highlight the major technologies available for improving voltage sag performance. The technologies are: 1. Ferroresonant Transformers 2. Magnetic Synthesizers 3. Active Series Compensators 4. On-Line UPS 5. Standby UPS 6. Hybrid UPS 7. Motor-Generator Sets 8. Flywheel Energy Storage Systems and a Few Others. 1. Ferroresonant Transformers: Ferroresonant transformers, also called constant voltage transformers (CVTs), can handle [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:24:57+05:30December 28, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Improving Voltage Sag Performance (Technologies) | Electrical Engineering

Transient Waveforms of Voltage: Top 7 Examples | Electrical Engineering

The following points highlight the seven main examples of transient waveforms of voltage. The examples are: 1. Motor Start Transient 2. Power Factor Correction Capacitor Switching Transient 3. Medium Voltage Capacitor Bank Switching Transient 4. Voltage Notch due to Uninterruptible Power Source Unit 5. Neutral Voltage Swing 6. Sudden Application of Voltage 7. Self-Produced Transients. Example # 1. Motor Start [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:24:55+05:30December 28, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Transient Waveforms of Voltage: Top 7 Examples | Electrical Engineering

Measuring Flicker in Voltage: 3 Techniques | Electrical Engineering

The following points highlight the three main techniques used for measuring flicker in voltage during electricity supply. The techniques are: 1. RMS Strip Charts 2. Fast Fourier Transform 3. Flicker Meters. Technique # 1. RMS Strip Charts: Historically, flicker has been measured using rms meters, load duty cycle, and a flicker curve. If sudden rms voltage deviations occurred with specified [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:24:54+05:30December 28, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Measuring Flicker in Voltage: 3 Techniques | Electrical Engineering

Use True Rms Meters | Voltage | Electrical Engineering

Complex waveforms are most accurately measured with a true rms reading voltmeter. This instrument indicates the rms value of any waveform (such as a sine wave, square wave or sawtooth wave) by using an rms detector that responds directly to the heating value of the input signal. To measure the rms value of an arbitrary waveform, we may feed an [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:24:54+05:30December 28, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Use True Rms Meters | Voltage | Electrical Engineering

Determining the Internal Resistance of a Voltage Source | Electricity

In most applications, ideal sources are approximation. The internal resistance Rin of a voltage source, which is responsible for a drop in terminal voltage of a source on load is quite small in comparison to the load resistance of a network connected across the voltage source. Hence voltage drop is considered negligible. Internal resistance needs to be taken into account [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:04+05:30November 9, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Determining the Internal Resistance of a Voltage Source | Electricity

Working Voltage and Transmission of Power | Electrical Engineering

Before discussing the method of determination of the most economical working voltage for transmission of electrical power we will discuss here the advantages and limitations of high voltage transmission. The advantages of adopting high voltage for transmission are given below: (i) With the increase in transmission voltage the size of the conductor (area of x-section of the core carrying the [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:47:52+05:30November 9, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Working Voltage and Transmission of Power | Electrical Engineering

Advantages of Adopting High Voltage | Electrical Engineering

There are following advantages of adopting high voltage for transmission and distribution of electrical energy in dc system: (i) It reduces the size (area of x-section of the core carrying the current) of the feeders and distributors. Consider first of all a feeder. As no consumer is taped off from a feeder so voltage drops in feeder will not be [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:47:47+05:30November 9, 2017|Voltage|Comments Off on Advantages of Adopting High Voltage | Electrical Engineering
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