Archive | Electronic engineering

Multivibrators and Its Types (With Waveforms) | Electronics | Engineering

Multivibrators constitute an important class of pulse and switching circuits. Multivibrators perform a variety of useful functions like: i. Generation of square waveforms, ii. Counting, iii. Frequency division, iv. Generation of time-delays, and v. Storage of binary bit of information. Types of Multivibrator: Multivibrators are of the following three types: 1. Astable Multivibrator (also called Free Running Multivibrator): It generates [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:21+05:30May 16, 2018|Multivibrators|Comments Off on Multivibrators and Its Types (With Waveforms) | Electronics | Engineering

Oscillator: Meaning, Types, Conditions, Oscillatory Circuit and Frequency

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Oscillator 2. Types of Oscillators 3. Conditions for Oscillation 4. Fundamental Oscillatory Circuit 5. Frequency Stability. Contents: Meaning of Oscillator Types of Oscillators Conditions for Oscillation Fundamental Oscillatory Circuit Frequency Stability in Oscillator 1. Meaning of Oscillator: An oscillator may be defined as an active device that generates sinusoidal or [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:21+05:30May 16, 2018|Oscillator|Comments Off on Oscillator: Meaning, Types, Conditions, Oscillatory Circuit and Frequency

Boolean Algebra and Its Laws | Digital Electronics | Engineering

Boolean algebra is considered as a system of mathematical logic which differs from both ordinary algebra and the binary number system. As for example, in Boolean 1 + 1 = 1 while in binary arithmetic the result is 10. Thus, Boolean algebra, though there are certain similarities, is a unique system. In the Boolean system there are two constants, viz., [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:20+05:30May 16, 2018|Digital Electronics|Comments Off on Boolean Algebra and Its Laws | Digital Electronics | Engineering

Number System: Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal and Conversions

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Binary Operation of a System 2. Octal Number System 3. Binary Representation of Octal Number 4. Conversion of Octal Number to Hexadecimal Number and Vice Versa 5. Conversion of Real Number 6. Conversion of Decimal Fraction to Binary Fraction 7. Advantages of Hexadecimal System over Octal System 8. Advantages of Octal Number [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:20+05:30May 16, 2018|Number System|Comments Off on Number System: Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal and Conversions

Modulation and Demodulation of Signals | Electronics | Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Modulation 2. Types of Modulation 3. Analysis 4. Sidebands and Energy Consideration 5. Modulators 6. Types of Detection 7. Analysis of Amplitude and Frequency Modulation 8. Generation of FM Wave 9. Classification of FM Detectors 10. Classification of Radio Transmitters 11. Types of Receivers. Contents: Introduction to Modulation Types of [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:20+05:30May 16, 2018|Modulation|Comments Off on Modulation and Demodulation of Signals | Electronics | Engineering

Differential Amplifier and Its Theory (With Circuit Diagrams) | Electronics

The differential amplifier, abbreviated as DIFF AMP, is the basic stage of an integrated OP AMP with differential input. Its design is, therefore, mainly related to IC fabrication techniques. However, employing discrete components it is also used in some circuits. Generally, the function of a differential amplifier is to amplify the difference of two signals. Fig. 4.7(a) shows a linear [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:20+05:30May 16, 2018|Differential Amplifier|Comments Off on Differential Amplifier and Its Theory (With Circuit Diagrams) | Electronics

How Boolean Expressions can be Reduced? | Digital Electronics | Engineering

Reducing Boolean Expressions: As all the logic operators represent a corresponding element of hardware, the designer must reduce all the Boolean equations to a simplified form for minimizing cost. The following procedure can be employed, in general, for such reduction: i. Multiply all the variables required to remove parentheses. ii. Look for the identical terms. One of these can be [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:20+05:30May 16, 2018|Digital Electronics|Comments Off on How Boolean Expressions can be Reduced? | Digital Electronics | Engineering

Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR): Construction, Equivalent Circuit and Application

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Construction of SCR 2. SCR as a Switch 3. SCR in Normal Operation 4. Equivalent Circuit 5. Application. Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) is a semiconductor device which acts as an electronic switch. A silicon-controlled rectifier can change an alternating current into direct one and also it can control the amount of power fed [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:19+05:30May 16, 2018|Silicon-controlled rectifier|Comments Off on Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR): Construction, Equivalent Circuit and Application

Television and Artificial Satellite (With Block Diagram) | Electronics

Throughout the history of human civilization, man has contrived in different ways to extend his sense of sight. The microscope, the telescope and the camera were important landmarks along the way. These inventions were based upon an important characteristic of the human eye known as 'persistence of vision'. Television is one of those miracles which enables us to view a [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:19+05:30May 16, 2018|Artificial Satellite|Comments Off on Television and Artificial Satellite (With Block Diagram) | Electronics

List of Vacuum Pressure Measuring Devices [with formula]

List of Vacuum Pressure Measuring Devices [with formula]! 1. Mercury Manometers: These are of two types: i. Differential and Optical Lever Manometers, which are modifications of the ordinary mercury manometers, with more sensitive methods of observation and measurement. These are suitable for measurement of pressures up to 10-3 mm. ii. McLeod Gauge, which is a standard device of its type [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:19+05:30May 16, 2018|Vacuum Pressure|Comments Off on List of Vacuum Pressure Measuring Devices [with formula]
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