Archive | Engineering Materials

Comparison: Clamp-Burning and Kiln-Burning of Bricks | Engineering Material

Learn about the comparison or differences between clamp-burning and kiln burning of bricks. Comparison # Clamp-Burning: 1. Capacity: About 20000 to 100000 bricks can be prepared at a time. 2. Cost of Fuel: Low as grass, cow dung, litter, etc. may be used. 3. Initial Cost: Very low as no structures are to be built. 4. Quality of Bricks: The [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on Comparison: Clamp-Burning and Kiln-Burning of Bricks | Engineering Material

Lime: Sources, Constituents, Manufacture and Uses | Engineering Materials

The use of lime as a cementing material has been made since ancient times. The Egyptians and Romans made remarkable application of this material for various constructional purposes. Even in India, the various engineering structures such as big palaces, bridges, temples, forts, monuments, etc. were constructed with lime as a cementing material and some of these structures still exist in [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Lime|Comments Off on Lime: Sources, Constituents, Manufacture and Uses | Engineering Materials

Difference: Fat Lime and Hydraulic Lime | Materials | Engineering

The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between fat lime and hydraulic lime. There are mainly two varieties of limes, namely, fat lime and hydraulic lime. Difference # Fat Lime: 1. Composition: It is obtained from comparatively pure carbonate of lime containing only 5 per cent of clayey impurities. 2. Slaking Action: It slakes vigorously. Its volume is [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Lime|Comments Off on Difference: Fat Lime and Hydraulic Lime | Materials | Engineering

Qualities, Characterises and Properties of a Good Building Stone

Following are the qualities or characteristics or requirements properties of a good building stone: 1. Crushing Strength: For a good structural stone, the crushing strength should be greater than 100 N/mm3. The approximate values of crushing strength of some of the stones are shown in table 2-1. 2. Appearance: The stones which are to be used for face work should [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Engineering Materials|Comments Off on Qualities, Characterises and Properties of a Good Building Stone

Stone Quarrying: Definition, Sites, Considerations and Methods | Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Quarrying 2. Sites for Stone Quarrying 3. Important Considerations 4. Methods. Definition of Quarrying: The process of taking out stones from natural rock beds is known as the quarrying. The term quarry is used to indicate the exposed surface of natural rocks. The stones, thus obtained, are used for various [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Stone Quarrying|Comments Off on Stone Quarrying: Definition, Sites, Considerations and Methods | Engineering

Common Tiles: Manufacture, Characteristics and Types | Materials | Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Manufacture of Common Tiles 2. Characteristics of a Good Tile 3. Types. Manufacture of Common Tiles: Following four distinct operations are involved in the general process of manufacturing the common tiles: (i) Preparation of clay (ii) Moulding (iii) Drying (iv) Burning. Each of the above operation will now be briefly treated. (i) [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Tiles|Comments Off on Common Tiles: Manufacture, Characteristics and Types | Materials | Engineering

List of Ceramic Products | Engineering Materials

List of commonly used ceramic products. Ceramic Product # 1. Clay Products: The clay occurs plenty in nature. The clay is a distinct product of chemical weathering of igneous rocks. The felspar is predominant in igneous rocks. One of the variety of felspar is orthoclase felspar. It is whitish, greyish or pinkish in colour. The rocks disintegrate easily, if orthoclase [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Ceramic Products|Comments Off on List of Ceramic Products | Engineering Materials

Bricks: Composition, Qualities, Uses, Tests and Shape | Materials | Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Bricks 2. Composition of Good Brick Earth 3. Harmful Ingredients in Brick Earth 4. Classification of Brick Earth 5. Qualities of Good Bricks 6. Factors Affecting Quality of Bricks 7. Tests for Bricks 8. Classification of Bricks 9. Uses of Bricks 10. Colours of Bricks 11. Size and Weight of [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on Bricks: Composition, Qualities, Uses, Tests and Shape | Materials | Engineering

Comparison between Brickwork and Stonework | Materials | Engineering

Learn about the comparison between brickwork and stonework. The brickwork is superior to the stonework in the following respects: (i) At places where stones are not easily available but where there is plenty of clay, the brickwork becomes cheaper than stonework. (ii) The cost of construction works out to be less in case of brickwork than stonework as less skilled [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on Comparison between Brickwork and Stonework | Materials | Engineering

How to Manufacture Bricks: Brick Manufacturing Process [With Top 4 Steps]

Get the answer of: What is the process of making and manufacturing bricks? Following considerations govern the selection of a brick field for the manufacture of bricks: (i) It should be linked up with the communicating roads so that the materials can be conveyed easily. (ii) It should be situated on a plain ground. (iii) It should be so selected [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on How to Manufacture Bricks: Brick Manufacturing Process [With Top 4 Steps]
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