Archive | Environmental Engineering

Electrode Configurations and Rapping (With Diagram)| Environmental Engineering

For large throughput rates, plate type precipitators are almost exclusively used. These are of two type horizontal flow or vertical flow type-the former being preferred most even though it has a serious drawback in the amount of floor space occupied. Horizontal flow types are grouped into sections, arranged in series, so that the gas leaving one section enters the next [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Electrostatic Precipitators|Comments Off on Electrode Configurations and Rapping (With Diagram)| Environmental Engineering

Design and Performance of Precipitators | Environmental Engineering

The design and performance of precipitators are affected by a plurality of factors. These are divided into three main categories, namely – efficiency, local, high turbulence eddies scour: (i) Properties of the gas stream, (ii) Properties of the dust, and  (iii) Process conditions. (i) Properties of the Gas Stream: The precipitator is designed for a particular throughput rate. Increase in [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Electrostatic Precipitators|Comments Off on Design and Performance of Precipitators | Environmental Engineering

Mechanism of Dust Particle Charging | Environmental Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the mechanism of dust particle charging. The dust particles charging takes place by: (i) Diffusion charging, and (ii) Field charging or ion bombardment charging. Diffusion charging is the dominant mode of particle charging for particles with a diameter smaller about 0.2 µm; and field charging dominates for particles with a diameter greater than [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Electrostatic Precipitators|Comments Off on Mechanism of Dust Particle Charging | Environmental Engineering

5 Simplest Tests for Controlling Pollution | Environmental Engineering

The following points highlight the five simplest tests for controlling pollution. The tests are: 1. Flame Photometry 2. XRF Analysis 3. Total Organic Carbon Analysis 4. Carbon-Hydrogen Analyser 5. Ion Chromatography Theory & Application. Test # 1. Flame Photometry This is a simple test to know the concentration of Alkali metals. The sodium and Potassium are more frequently determined because [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Pollution Controlling Tests|Comments Off on 5 Simplest Tests for Controlling Pollution | Environmental Engineering

Dust Collection Devices | Particulate Control | Environmental Engineering

Depending upon the collection efficiency, capacity and operation mode, the dust collection devices are divided in the following three categories: 1. Internal Separators 2. Wet Collection Devices 3. Electrostatic Precipitators. 1. Internal Separators: Internal separator type dust collectors are manufactured in various shapes and sizes. Following types are most common: (a) Louver collector, (b) Fabric filters, (c) Gravity settling chamber, [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Particulate Control|Comments Off on Dust Collection Devices | Particulate Control | Environmental Engineering

How to Control Rats ? | Rodent Control | Environmental Engineering

Get the answer of: How to Control Rats ? Rodents include mice, squirrel, beaver, porcupine, rat, rabbit etc. Out of these rats are the main source of nuisance in the houses. Domestic rats and other rodents are the carriers of disease germs, fleas, lice, mites, intestinal parasites etc. due to their wide distribution and close association with the man. They [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Rodent Control|Comments Off on How to Control Rats ? | Rodent Control | Environmental Engineering

Diffusion Theories in Relation to Air Pollution Control | Environmental Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the diffusion theories in relation to air pollution control. The dilution of pollutants directly depends on the atmosphere turbulence and diffusion. Therefore the dilution varies with the weather conditions. As the rates of atmosphere dilution determines the levels of pollution in a given location, methods for estimating the degree of atmosphere diffusion are [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Air Pollution Control|Comments Off on Diffusion Theories in Relation to Air Pollution Control | Environmental Engineering

Meteorological Factors for Studying Diffusion Theories | Environmental Engineering

Following meteorological factors should be understood before studying the diffusion theories: 1. Atmospheric Temperature Lapse Rate 2. Speed and Direction of Wind 3. Wind Velocity Profile 4. Richardson's Number. Factor # 1. Atmospheric Temperature Lapse Rate: When the air has minimum velocity or more or less motionless, the accumulation of the pollution will be maximum. When the air is in [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Diffusion Theories|Comments Off on Meteorological Factors for Studying Diffusion Theories | Environmental Engineering

How to Remove Toxic Gases ? | Pollutants Control | Environmental Engineering

Get the answer of: How to Remove Toxic Gases? Gaseous pollutants may be removed from n gaseous stream predominantly by physical or chemical absorption. The pollutant gases are selectively absorbed in a solvent liquid. The solvent liquid so chosen for the purpose must not be costly, operating cost should be minimum and also it should be easily recoverable. Gas absorption [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Gaseous Pollutants Control|Comments Off on How to Remove Toxic Gases ? | Pollutants Control | Environmental Engineering

Air Pollution due to Lime and Brick-Kilns | Environmental Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the occurrence of air pollution due to lime and brick kilns. Lime-Kilns: Quick lime manufacture involves calcination of lime stone at temperatures exceeding 900°C. Calcination is an endothermic process and the required heat energy is supplied usually by firing coal along with the lime stone. There are heaped and rectangular trenched kilns commonly-known [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:03:20+05:30April 21, 2017|Environmental Engineering|Comments Off on Air Pollution due to Lime and Brick-Kilns | Environmental Engineering
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