Archive | Robots

Intelligent Robots: Development and Teaching Methods | Machines | Engineering

Intelligent robots are third generation robots, broadly termed as adaptive and communicating robots. intelligent robots equipped with one or more advanced external sensors, interfaced with other machines, and communicating with other computers. Interfaced with machine vision, proximity and other sensor systems (i.e. tactile, force, torque) the robot can acquire randomly positioned and oriented work pieces, inspect them for gross defects, [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:06+05:30November 9, 2017|Robots|Comments Off on Intelligent Robots: Development and Teaching Methods | Machines | Engineering

Robotic Vision System in Robots | Intelligent Machines | Engineering

The basic function of robot vision system in robots is to identify an object and determine its location (position and orientation). The vision system must be capable of handling multiple views to deal with the multiple stable states. For this purpose, the system has to be fast and work in parallel with the robot system. Further the system must be [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:06+05:30November 9, 2017|Robots|Comments Off on Robotic Vision System in Robots | Intelligent Machines | Engineering

Top 2 Methods of Robot Programming | Intelligent Machines | Engineering

The following points highlight the top two methods of robot programming. The methods are: 1. Sequencing Operations 2. Teach by Showing. Method # 1. Sequencing Operations: Limited sequence robots are programmed by setting limit switches and mechanical stops to control the end points of their motions. A sequencing device determines the sequence in which the motions occur, the order in [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:06+05:30November 9, 2017|Robots|Comments Off on Top 2 Methods of Robot Programming | Intelligent Machines | Engineering

Role of Robots for Assembly Work | Industrial Engineering

Assembly robots find wide applications in electric and electronic fields where a short-cycle time and the capacity of small, precise parts assembly are important requirements. The role of robot for use in the assembly work is as follows: (1) Odd-Shaped electronic components insertion in printed circuit boards. (2) Small, precise parts assembly. (3) Palletizing and de-palletizing components in boxes. The [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:05+05:30November 9, 2017|Robots|Comments Off on Role of Robots for Assembly Work | Industrial Engineering

Robots with Jointed-Spherical Co-Ordinated System | Industrial Engineering

Fig. 38.15 shows the schematic form of robot with jointed- spherical co-ordinated system which is frequently used in many applications. It will be noted that this configuration consists of a base or trunk, an upper arm and a forearm which move in a vertical plane through the trunk. Further, an elbow joint is located between the forearm and upper arm [...]

By |2017-10-24T05:51:45+05:30October 24, 2017|Robots|Comments Off on Robots with Jointed-Spherical Co-Ordinated System | Industrial Engineering
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