Archive | Soil Engineering

Soil Engineering: Introduction, Importance, Fundamentals, Problems and Limitations

Soil Engineering: Introduction, Importance, Fundamentals, Problems and Limitations! Contents: Introduction to Soil Engineering Importance of Soil Engineering Fundamentals of Soil Engineering Soil as Foundation Material Special Soil Engineering Problems Solution of Engineering Problems Limitations of Soil Engineering Introduction to Soil Engineering: The use of soil as an engineering material may be said to be as old as mankind itself. Since [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:51:57+05:30May 16, 2018|Soil Engineering|Comments Off on Soil Engineering: Introduction, Importance, Fundamentals, Problems and Limitations

Soil Suitability: Index Properties, Distribution, Analysis and Stokes’ Law

Index Properties: In order to evaluate the suitability of a soil for use as foundation or construction material, certain physical properties have to be determined. These properties help to classify the soil and assess its engineering behaviour and are called index properties. There are different soil classification systems based on index properties of the soil. The tests carried out in [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:51:57+05:30May 16, 2018|Soil Suitability|Comments Off on Soil Suitability: Index Properties, Distribution, Analysis and Stokes’ Law

Comparison: AASHTO & Unifical Soil Classification System | Soil Engineering

Learn about the comparison between AASHTO and unifical soil classification system. Comparison # AASHTO Classification System: American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials (AASHTO) soil classification system is based on both the particle size and the plasticity characteristics. According to this system, soils are classified into eight groups A-1 to A-8, the last being peat or muck. Soils within [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:51:57+05:30May 16, 2018|Soil Classification|Comments Off on Comparison: AASHTO & Unifical Soil Classification System | Soil Engineering

Erosivity and Soil Erodibility | Soil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about erosivity and soil erodibility. Erosivity: It is defined as the potential ability of rain to cause the erosion. It is dependent on the physical char­acteristics of rainfall, which include raindrop size, drop size distribution, kinetic energy, terminal velocity etc. For a given soil condition, the potential of two storms can be compared, quantitatively [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Erosivity|Comments Off on Erosivity and Soil Erodibility | Soil Engineering

Estimation of Erosivity from Rainfall Data (2 Methods) | Soil Engineering

The rainfall erosivity is related to the kinetic energy of rainfall. The following two methods are widely used for computing the erosivity of rainfall: 1. EI30 Index Method 2. KE > 25 Index Method. 1. El30 Index Method: This method was introduced by Wischemeir (1965). It is based on the fact that, the product of kinetic energy of the storm [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Erosivity|Comments Off on Estimation of Erosivity from Rainfall Data (2 Methods) | Soil Engineering

Land Use Capability Classification | Soil Engineering

The below mentioned article provides a note on land use capability classification. Introduction to Land Use Capability Classification: For preparation of land use capability classification it is important to carry out a detail soil survey of the area. Soil survey includes the study and mapping of soils of the watershed with full of their natural resources. It provides a complete [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Land Use Capability|Comments Off on Land Use Capability Classification | Soil Engineering

Classification of Land: 8 Classes | Soil Engineering

The land use capability classification was developed by the United State Department of Soil Conservation Service, as a method to assess the extent of limitations such as erosion risk, soil depth, wetness and climate that create restrictions in the agricultural activities for crop production. The objective of classification is to categorize the land into a unit with similar kind and [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Land Use Capability|Comments Off on Classification of Land: 8 Classes | Soil Engineering

Remote Sensing: Components & Applications | Tools | Soil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Remote Sensing 2. Remote Sensing Classification 3. Spectral Characteristics 4. Components 5. Requirements  6. Remote Sensing Satellites 7. Communication and Data Collection 8. Detection of Electromagnetic Radiation 9. Applications. Contents: Meaning of Remote Sensing Remote Sensing Classification Spectral Characteristics of Remote Sensing Components of Remote Sensing System Requirements for an [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Remote Sensing|Comments Off on Remote Sensing: Components & Applications | Tools | Soil Engineering

Sediments: Sources, Transportation and Load | Soil Engineering

The watershed is the system component for originating the sediment yield through the processes of soil erosion. The eroded materials entering into the fluvial system and ultimately getting deposited in the water storage bodies such as ponds, reservoirs etc., is called sedimentation. For storage structures concerned, the sedi­mentation is always destructive phenomena. In this article the details of sedimentation are [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:46+05:30March 20, 2018|Soil Sediments|Comments Off on Sediments: Sources, Transportation and Load | Soil Engineering

How to Estimate Bed Load? | Soil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about how to estimate bed load. Methods for Estimation of Bed Load: The following methods are generally used for estimation of bed load. 1. Analytical Method: For computation of bed-load movement using analytical method includes several relationships; they may be the empirical or analytical. In general, the theoretical relationship are based on the following [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:46+05:30March 20, 2018|Bed Load|Comments Off on How to Estimate Bed Load? | Soil Engineering
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