Archive | Compass Surveying

Field-Work in Compass Surveying | Compass Surveying |Surveying

After reading this article you will learn about the field-work in compass surveying. 1. Field-Party: It will consist of four persons: (i) Surveyor for taking bearings of the lines, recording field-notes and imparting instructions to other party members. (ii) Two chainmen for chaining the survey lines. (iii) One flagman, cum pegman to fix stations, pegs and ranging rods as directed [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:57+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Field-Work in Compass Surveying | Compass Surveying |Surveying

Local Attraction (With Remedies) | Compass Surveying | Surveying

This article provides a note on local attraction along with its remedies and examples. The magnetic needle is disturbed from its normal position if it is under the influence of external attractive forces called the sources of local attraction. Such a disturbing influence is known as local attraction. The term is also used to denote the amount of deviation of [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:57+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Local Attraction (With Remedies) | Compass Surveying | Surveying

Magnetic Declination: Meaning and Variation | Compass Surveying |Surveying

After reading this article you will learn about the meaning and variation of magnetic declination, with some examples. Meaning of Magnetic Declination: Except in few places, the magnetic meridian at a place does not coincide with the true meridian at that place. The horizontal angle which the magnetic mariotion makes with the true meridian is known as the magnetic declination [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:57+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Magnetic Declination: Meaning and Variation | Compass Surveying |Surveying

5 Main Methods of Plotting a Traverse Survey | Compass Surveying |Surveying

The following are the five main methods of plotting a traverse survey: 1. By Parallel Meridians through Each Station 2. By Included Angles 3. By Central Meridian or Paper Protractor 4. By Rectangular Co-Ordinates 5. By Chords. Method # 1. By Parallel Meridians through Each Station: Having fixed suitably, the position of the starting point say A, draw a line [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:57+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on 5 Main Methods of Plotting a Traverse Survey | Compass Surveying |Surveying

Prismatic and the Surveyor’s Compass: Difference | Compass Surveying |Surveying

The following are the points of differences between prismatic and surveyor’s types of compasses. Difference # Prismatic Compass: 1. The graduated ring being attached to the magnetic needle remains stationary when the compass-box and the sight vane is rotated. 2. The graduations are marked on the ring in a clock-wise direction with 0° or 360" at South end of the [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Prismatic and the Surveyor’s Compass: Difference | Compass Surveying |Surveying

Forms of Compass in Common Use | Compass Surveying | Surveying

There are two forms of the compass in common use: 1. The Prismatic Compass 2. The Surveyor's Compass. A compass is a small instrument which consists essentially of a mag­netic needle, a graduated circle and a line of sight. When the line of sight is directed towards a line, the magnetic needle points towards magnetic meridian and the angle which [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Forms of Compass in Common Use | Compass Surveying | Surveying

Using the Compass During Survey: 8 Precautions | Compass Surveying | Surveying

After reading this article you will learn about eight main precautions that should be taken while using a compass. Also learn about the sources of error in compass work. 1. The glass cover of the compass box gets charged with electricity when dusted off with a handkerchief or by the influence of electric charge in the atmosphere. Consequently, the needle [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Using the Compass During Survey: 8 Precautions | Compass Surveying | Surveying

Error Occurs in Compass Surveying of Land | Compass Surveying| Surveying

The compass ring is graduated to half a degree but the readings can be well estimated to 15 minutes, which means that the error of reading should not exceed 7½ minutes. But due to magnetic changes and variation of declination etc., the readings can seldom be relied upon to less than 10 minutes, therefore, the permissible error per bearing should [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Error Occurs in Compass Surveying of Land | Compass Surveying| Surveying

Bearing of a Line and Its Designation | Compass Surveying | Surveying

After reading this article you will learn about the meaning of bearing of a line and its designation with examples. Bearing of a line is the horizontal angle which a line makes with some reference direction also known as meridian. The reference direction may be any of the following: 1. A true meridian 2. A magnetic meridian 3. An assumed [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:57+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Bearing of a Line and Its Designation | Compass Surveying | Surveying

Calculation of Angles from Bearings | Compass Surveying | Surveying

Bearings of lines may be calculated if bearing of one of the lines and the included angles measured clockwise between the various lines are given. Bearing of a line = given bearing + included angle. Note: In a closed traverse, where local attraction is not suspected i.e. difference between F.B. and B.B of all lines is exactly 180°, we can [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:57+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Calculation of Angles from Bearings | Compass Surveying | Surveying
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