The single phase ac is converted into dc by a controlled rectifier or converter and the dc is supplied to the dc motor. By varying the firing angle the voltage applied to the motor can be varied and thus the speed of the motor can be controlled.
Single phase drives can be further classified as: 1. Single Phase Half-Wave Converter Drives 2. Single Phase Semi-Converter Drives 3. Single Phase Full-Converter Drives 4. Single Phase Dual Converter Drives.
1. Single Phase Half-Wave Converter Drives:
Figure 3.3 (a) shows a single phase half-wave converter for controlling a separately excited dc motor. It needs a single thyristor and a freewheeling diode (DFW). Freewheeling diode, also sometimes known as bypass diode or commutating diode is used to improve the wave-shape of load current and power factor. Freewheeling diode is connected across the motor terminals to allow for dissipation of energy stored in the motor inductance and to provide for continuity of motor current when the thyristors are blocked. It also provides protection against transient over-voltages.
Separate converters are employed for the armature and field circuits. It is desirable that the supply to the field winding is provided through a semi-converter or full converter. If half-wave converter is used for supply to field circuit, the high ripple content in the field circuit would cause increase in the iron losses of the machine. It is one quadrant drive, as illustrated in Fig. 3.3 (b).
Because of inductance of the field and armature, the thyristor would not turn off at ωt = π. Therefore it is desirable to have freewheeling diode (DFW), as shown.
Average value of voltage applied across armature is given by-
Where, αa is the firing angle of converter in the armature circuit.
In this circuit the motor current is always discontinuous, resulting in poor performance. This type of drive is used only for small dc motors of rating up to 500 W or so.
2. Single Phase Semi-Converter Drives:
Figure 3.4 (a) shows the circuit of a semi-converter feeding a separately excited dc motor. Both armature and field circuits are supplied from single phase ac supply through semi-converters. Because of inductance in the armature and field circuits, freewheeling diodes are required in both the circuits.
The voltages applied to the armature and fields are:
where αa and αf are the firing angles of converters in the armature and field circuits respectively.
This is also a one quadrant drive [Fig. 3.4 (b)] which provides voltage and current of one polarity at dc terminals. It, therefore, does not provide for regenerative braking, i.e., power flow from dc motor to the ac supply. Where regeneration is not required, this converter is used for reasons of economy. This drive is used for motors up to 15 kW rating.
Typical steady-state voltage and current waveforms are illustrated in Fig. 3.5. The thyristor TH1 is fired at angle αa while TH2 at angle π + αa with respect to supply voltage v and process is repeated continuously.
Under steady conditions, as thyristor TH1 is fired (ωt = αa), TH] and diode D2 conduct and the motor gets supply, i.e., va. At ωt = π, va tends to become negative as the input voltage reverses in polarity. This makes freewheeling diode to become forward biased and armature current flowing through TH2D1 is transferred to DFW for the freewheeling period π < ωt < π + αa providing for continuity of the armature current during this period when the motor remains disconnected from the supply. At ωt = π + αa, the thyristor TH2 is fired and TH2D, conduct, causing to become reverse biased, and therefore, open circuited. The motor is once again connected positively to the supply for the next period of π + αa < ωt < 2π. This process repeats continuously.
Different voltage and current waveforms of a separately excited dc motor supplied through a semi-converter are illustrated in Fig. 3.5. Though the voltage across motor terminals [Fig. 3.5 (c)] contains harmonics over and above a steady dc value, it is rightly assumed here that the motor does not respond to these harmonics and thus runs at constant speed of n rps and has constant induced back emf eb. As TH1 fires at ωt = αa, the motor current is given as
assuming Ra negligibly small up to the point P illustrated in Fig. 3.5 (a) ; v > eb so that the motor current increases. So does the motor back emf eb. During this period, apart from energy being delivered to the load, energy is also being stored in the motor armature inductance La. Beyond the point P, voltage v becomes lesser than induced back emf eb and the motor current starts to drop. This also implies the reversal of voltage across motor armature inductance which now feeds energy into the system. During the freewheeling period (π < ωt < π + αa), the diode continues to be forward biased by the reversal of the inductive voltage.
During this period a part of the energy stored in armature inductance is consumed in supplying the mechanical load. The motor current, speed, and emf, therefore, all decrease. This process then repeats over the next period (π + αa < ωt < 2π + αa) through TH2D1, and later through DFW. The current drawn from the supply shown in Fig. 3.5 (d) is that part of the armature current which flows over the periods (αa, π), (π + αa, 2π), when the motor is connected to the supply. It is not necessary to employ the freewheeling diode. In its absence at ωt = π, diode D1 becomes forward biased so that freewheeling occurs through TH1D1 till TH2 is fired. At ωt = 2π freewheeling occurs through TH2D2 and so on.
Discontinuous Armature Current:
The armature current becomes discontinuous for large values of the firing angle, high speed and low values of torque. Discontinuous armature current results in deterioration of motor performance. The ratio of peak to average and rms to average value of armature current increases. Thus it is desirable to operate the motor in the continuous current mode. This can be achieved by using an external armature circuit choke, which reduces the rate of decay of current during the freewheeling operation.
The voltage and current waveforms for semi-converter with discontinuous current are illustrated in Fig. 3.6. The motor is connected to the supply through TH1 and D2 for the period αa < ωt < π. Beyond π, the motor is shorted through the freewheeling diode DFW. The armature current falls to zero at angle β (extinction angle) < π + αa i.e., before the thyristor TH2 is fired, thereby making the armature current discontinuous.
During αa to π, the conduction period through TH1 and D2, the motor terminal voltage is the same as the input voltage. During n to P, the motor terminal voltage is zero, motor terminals being shorted by the freewheeling diode DFW. From β to π + αa, the motor coasts and, therefore, its terminal voltage is the same as its induced emf. It should be noted here that the fundamental of the current drawn from the mains lags behind the voltage by an angle φ, (< αa).
Torque-Speed Characteristics:
The emf induced in armature conductors of a motor, known as back emf, is given by-
Eb = ke φN …(3.5)
where Ke is emf constant and is equal to PZ/60A.
In a separately excited dc motor, the field winding is excited from a separate source. So voltage applied to the armature is given by-
Va = Eb + laRa …(3.6)
where Ia is armature current in amperes and Ra is the armature resistance in ohms.
Thus, from Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6), we have-
Back emf, Eb = V – Ia Ra = ke N φ
Since field is excited separately, field current If and flux φ are constant. Moreover voltage drop in armature, IaRa is negligible. So motor speed N is constant if voltage applied to the armature is constant, and speed varies directly in proportion to the applied voltage i.e., N ∝ Va.
Electromagnetic torque developed in a dc motor is given by-
The first term of RHS of Eq. (3.12) represents the theoretical speed and the second term represents the speed drop due to voltage drop in armature circuit.
The theoretical no-load speed can be controlled by varying the firing angle αa.
3. Single Phase Full-Converter Drives:
The circuit diagram is illustrated in Fig. 3.7 (a). A full-converter needs four thyristors but no freewheeling diode. Full converters are employed for both the armature and field supply. As illustrated in Fig. 3.7 (b), two quadrant operation is possible. The converter in the armature circuit provides + Va or – Va thus allowing operation in first and fourth quadrants.
Current remains unidirectional because of the unidirectional thyristors. When operating in the fourth quadrant regenerative braking is possible and motor feeds back energy to the source. If αa and αf are the firing angles for the converters used in the armature and field circuits, the armature voltage Va and field voltage Vf are given as-
This drive is also employed for motors of rating up to 15 kW.
The voltage and current waveforms are illustrated in Fig. 3.8; armature current ia being assumed to be almost constant. During the time interval αa < ωt < π + αa, thyristors TH1 and TH3 conduct and connect the motor to supply. At π + αa, thyristors TH2 and TH4 are triggered. Immediately the supply voltage appears in reverse bias across thyristors TH1 and TH3 and turns them off. This is natural or line commutation. The motor current is transferred from thyristors TH1 and TH3 to thyristors TH1 and TH4.
During the time interval αa to π energy is supplied to the motor (both v and i are positive and, therefore, are va and ia). But during time interval π to π + αa, some of the motor energy is fed back to the supply (v and i and so the va and ia being of opposite polarity). The noteworthy point is that the fundamental of the current drawn from the supply mains lags behind the applied voltage by angle ɸ1 = αa.
The voltage and current waveforms for αa > 90° are illustrated in Fig. 3.9. The average motor terminal voltage is now negative. On reversing of the motor terminals, it will operate as a generator supplying power back to the ac supply. This is the inversion operation of the converter and is employed in regenerative braking of the motor. The noteworthy point here is that during the conduction period of either TH1 TH3 or TH2 TH4 as the supply voltage becomes negative, the armature current begins to drop, causing the inductance polarity to reverse and thus conducting thyristors continue to be forward biased.
From Eqs. (3.11) and (3.13) we have-
In the case of discontinuous current, the average voltage at motor terminals depends upon the extinction angle β which itself depends on the average motor speed N, average armature current la and firing angle αa. We need not to go in its analytical treatment.
4. Single Phase Dual Converter Drives:
The circuit diagram is illustrated in Fig. 3.10 (a). In this drive, the armature is supplied from two full converters while the field is supplied from another full converter. Converter 1 provides operation in the first and fourth quadrants while converter 2 provides operation in second and third quadrants. Thus it is a four quadrant drive and allows all four modes of operation, i.e., forward motoring, forward regenerative braking, reverse motoring and reverse regenerative braking. When converter 1 is operating, a positive voltage Va is applied to the armature. When converter 2 is operating a negative voltage -Va is applied to the armature. It is employed for motors of rating up to 15 kW. If αa1 is the firing angle of converter 1, the armature voltage Va is given as-
The firing angle αa2 of converter 2 will be equal to (π – αa1) and when converter 2 is operating, armature voltage is given as-
The voltage applied to the field is given as-
where αf is the firing angel of converter supplying the field.