The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between fat lime and hydraulic lime.
There are mainly two varieties of limes, namely, fat lime and hydraulic lime.
Difference # Fat Lime:
1. Composition:
It is obtained from comparatively pure carbonate of lime containing only 5 per cent of clayey impurities.
2. Slaking Action:
It slakes vigorously. Its volume is increased to about 2 to 2½ times the volume of quick lime. The slaking is accompanied by sound and heat.
3. Setting Action:
It sets slowly in presence of air. It absorbs carbon dioxide from atmosphere and forms calcium carbonate.
4. Hydraulicity:
It does not possess hydraulic property.
5. Colour:
It is perfectly white in colour.
6. Strength:
It is not very strong. Hence it cannot be used where strength is required.
7. Uses:
It is used for plastering, whitewashing, etc. and for preparing mortar with sand or surkhi.
Difference # Hydraulic Lime:
1. Composition:
It is obtained from lime stones containing clay to the extent of about 5 to 30 per cent and some amount of ferrous oxide.
2. Slaking Action:
It slakes slowly. Its volume is slightly increased. The slaking is not accompanied by sound or heat.
3. Setting Action:
It sets under water. It combines with water and forms crystals of hydrated tricalcium aluminate and dicalcium silicate.
4. Hydraulicity:
It possesses hydraulic property.
5. Colour:
Its colour is not as white as fat lime.
6. Strength:
It is strong and can therefore be adopted where strength is required.
7. Uses:
It is used for preparing mortar for thick walls, damp places, etc. Extreme care is required to prepare mortar of this lime for plaster work.