Followings are the important points for any public sanitary project: 1. Financial Aspect 2. Population 3. Quality of Sewage 4. Rainfall 5. Rate of Sewage 6. Sources of Sewage 7. Topography of the Area 8. Present Methods of Disposal 9. Treatment Methods 10. Trends of Town Development.

1. Financial Aspect:

Any sanitary project for its complete achievement requires considerable fund. The project should, therefore, be made as economical as possible by taking the advantage of available natural conditions.

2. Population:


It is the general practice to design the sanitary project in such a way that it will accommodate the population after three or four decades. The present population is worked out from the study of census records and the forecast of probable population after three or four decades is calculated by the application of any suitable method.

3. Quality of Sewage:

The quality of sewage should be obtained after its proper analysis, and a line of treatment should be recommended, depending upon its characteristics.

4. Rainfall:


The quality of storm water should take into consideration for preparing a sanitary project.

5. Rate of Sewage:

A suitable rate of sewage should be assumed for the design of various units of sanitary project. The usual assumption made in this connection is that the rate of sewage is very nearly equal to the rate of supply of water.

6. Sources of Sewage:


The probable sources which are going to contribute the sewage should be also properly ascertained and studied. The source of sewage gives some idea regarding the quantity and quality of sewage.

7. Topography of the Area:

The topographical map of the area to be served by the sanitary project should be prepared and it should be studied in relation to low lying areas, ridges, density of population, nature of soil, site of treatment plant, etc.

8. Present Methods of Disposal:


The present methods of waste disposal should be properly studied and a sincere attempt should be made to make the maximum use of existing conditions.

9. Treatment Methods:

The outline of treatment methods should be prepared and the methods of disposal of final products of the treatment should be carefully decided.

10. Trends of Town Development:


The trends of town development in future should be predicted and properly adjusted in the project.