Tag Archives | Circuits

Combinational and Sequential Circuits (With Functions) | Electronics

In this article we will discuss about combinational and sequential circuits and their functions. Introduction to Combinational and Sequential Circuits: A digital system must store binary numbers in addition to performing logic. To take care of this requirement, a memory cell, called a FLIP-FLOP, is introduced. Theoretically any digital system can be constructed entirely from NAND gates and FLIP-FLOPs. These [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:20+05:30May 16, 2018|Circuits|Comments Off on Combinational and Sequential Circuits (With Functions) | Electronics

Effect of Synchronous Machines Connected to Bus-Bars | Electricity

A supply system with a large number of synchronous machines connected in parallel is referred to as infinite bus-bars. Any additional machine, whether to operate as a generator or as a motor is connected in parallel with the bus-bars. Infinite bus-bars represent a system of large capacity whose frequency and the phase and magnitude of voltage are not affected even [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:09+05:30December 7, 2017|Busbars|Comments Off on Effect of Synchronous Machines Connected to Bus-Bars | Electricity

Flow of Current through Circuits | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the flow of current through series and parallel circuits. Series Circuits: When the resistors are connected end to end, so that they form only one path for the flow of current, then resistors are said to be connected in series and such circuits are known as series circuits. Let resistors R1, R2, and [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:04+05:30November 9, 2017|Circuits|Comments Off on Flow of Current through Circuits | Electrical Engineering

Determining the Current Flowing in a Circuit | Electrical Engineering

The following points highlight the two theorems used for determining the current flowing in a circuit. The theorems are: 1. Maxwell Circulating Current Theorem 2. Node Voltage Theorem. 1. Maxwell Circulating Current Theorem: If a network with several sources has more than two nodes the current in it may be determined by Maxwell circulating current theorem. This is one of [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:04+05:30November 9, 2017|Circuits|Comments Off on Determining the Current Flowing in a Circuit | Electrical Engineering

Resistance-Inductance-Capacitance (R-L-C) Series Circuit | Engineering

Consider an ac circuit containing resistance of R ohms, inductance of L henries and capacitance of C farads connected in series, as shown in Fig. 4.23 (a). Let the current flowing through the circuit be of I amperes and supply frequency be f Hz. Voltage drop across resistance, VR = IR in phase with I Voltage drop across inductance, VL= [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:03+05:30November 9, 2017|Circuits|Comments Off on Resistance-Inductance-Capacitance (R-L-C) Series Circuit | Engineering

Phasor Algebra of AC Circuits | Electricity

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Phasor Algebra of AC Circuits 2. Addition and Subtraction of Phasors 3. Multiplication and Division 4. Powers and Roots  5. Power Determination  6. Phasor Algebra Applied to Single Phase Parallel Circuits. Contents: Introduction to Phasor Algebra of AC Circuits Addition and Subtraction of Phasors Multiplication and Division of Phasors Powers [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:03+05:30November 9, 2017|Circuits|Comments Off on Phasor Algebra of AC Circuits | Electricity

Resistance-Inductance (R-L) Series Circuit: With Diagram | Engineering

Resistance-Inductance (R-L) series circuit is the case most generally met with in practice; nearly all circuits contain both resistance and inductance. Consider an ac circuit consisting of resistance of R ohms and inductance of L henrys connected in series, as shown in Fig. 4.5 (a). Let the supply frequency be f and current flowing through the circuit be of I [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:03+05:30November 9, 2017|Circuits|Comments Off on Resistance-Inductance (R-L) Series Circuit: With Diagram | Engineering

Resonance in R-L-C Series Circuits (With Diagram) | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about series and parallel resonance in R-L-C circuits. Resonance is identified with engineering situations which involve energy-storing elements subjected to a forcing function of varying frequency. Specifically, resonance is the term employed for describing the steady-state operation of a circuit or system at that frequency for which the resultant response is in time phase [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:02+05:30November 9, 2017|Circuits|Comments Off on Resonance in R-L-C Series Circuits (With Diagram) | Electrical Engineering

How to Solve Parallel AC Circuits? (2 Methods) | Electrical Engineering

Parallel ac circuits can be solved by the following methods: 1. Phasor method 2. Admittance method. The application of a particular method will depend upon the conditions of the problem. However, in general, that method should be used which gives quick results. 1. Phasor Method: Consider a parallel circuit consisting of three branches of impedances Z1 (R1, L1, C1), Z2, [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:00+05:30November 9, 2017|Circuits|Comments Off on How to Solve Parallel AC Circuits? (2 Methods) | Electrical Engineering

Three-Phase AC Circuits (With Diagram) | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about: 1. Introduction to Three-Phase AC Circuits 2. Generation of 3-Phase EMF in AC Circuits 3. Phase Sequence  4. Conversion of Balanced Load System from Star to Delta and Vice-Versa 5. Balancing Parallel Loads. Contents: Introduction to Three-Phase AC Circuits Generation of 3-Phase EMF in AC Circuits Phase Sequence in Three-Phase AC Circuits Conversion [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:00+05:30November 9, 2017|Circuits|Comments Off on Three-Phase AC Circuits (With Diagram) | Electrical Engineering
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