Tag Archives | Civil Engineering

Building Stones: Characteristics and Uses | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Sources of Stones 2. Common Rock Forming Minerals 3. Characteristics 4. Uses and Selection 5. Deterioration 6. Preservation 7. Tests 8. Natural Bed of Stone. Contents: Sources of Stones Common Rock Forming Minerals Characteristics of Good Building Stones Uses of Stones and their Selection Deterioration of Stones Preservation of Stones Tests of [...]

By |2018-04-21T07:54:26+05:30April 21, 2018|Building Stones|Comments Off on Building Stones: Characteristics and Uses | Civil Engineering

List of 14 Common Building Stones | Civil Engineering

Common building stones, their compositions, properties, uses and occurrence are given below: 1. Granite: Composition: It is igneous rock. Its main constituent minerals are Quartz, (hard and least affected by carbon dioxide and water) Felspar (crystalline, lustrous, readily attacked by atmospheric agencies) and Mica (dark grey, black or brown in colour, soft, readily affected by chemicals and atmospheric agencies). Characteristics: [...]

By |2018-04-21T07:54:26+05:30April 21, 2018|Building Stones|Comments Off on List of 14 Common Building Stones | Civil Engineering

Culvert: Types, Design, Principles and Parameters | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Culvert 2. Types of Culvert 3. General Design Principle 4. Design. Meaning of Culvert: A small bridge may be of 3 to 4 spans with the length of span not more than 3 m is known as culvert. In case of highway where culverts are constructed to cross the small [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Culvert|Comments Off on Culvert: Types, Design, Principles and Parameters | Civil Engineering

How to Design Retaining Walls? | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about how to design retaining walls. Design of Cantilever Type Retaining Wall: The following points are considered for design of retaining wall: 1. The design of vertical wall should be such that, it can resists the bending moment as well as shearing force, developed at the junction point of the base slab. 2. The [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Retaining Walls|Comments Off on How to Design Retaining Walls? | Civil Engineering

Types of Retaining Walls: 5 Types | Civil Engineering

The various types of retaining walls are given as below: 1. Masonry Retaining Wall 2. Semi-Gravity Type Retaining Wall 3. Canti Lever Type Retaining Wall 4. Counter Fort Type Retaining Wall 5. Buttressed Walls. Type # 1. Masonry Retaining Wall: These retaining walls are constructed by using the stone blocks or bricks as masonry materials. The constructional feature of this [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Retaining Walls|Comments Off on Types of Retaining Walls: 5 Types | Civil Engineering

How to Design Retaining Walls? | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about how to design retaining walls. Design of Cantilever Type Retaining Wall: The following points are considered for design of retaining wall: 1. The design of vertical wall should be such that, it can resists the bending moment as well as shearing force, developed at the junction point of the base slab. 2. The [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Retaining Walls|Comments Off on How to Design Retaining Walls? | Civil Engineering

Buffeting Theories on Long-Span Cable Supported Bridges | Wind Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Buffeting Theories on Long-Span Cable Supported Bridges 2. Refinement of Buffeting Theory 3. Buffeting Response Spectrum Method 4. Buffeting Response Analysis in Time Domain 5. Passive TMD Control of Buffeting 6. Conclusion. Introduction to Buffeting Theories on Long-Span Cable Supported Bridges: The wind-induced vibration of long-span cable supported bridges (cable-stayed [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:32+05:30March 13, 2018|Bridges|Comments Off on Buffeting Theories on Long-Span Cable Supported Bridges | Wind Engineering

Steel: Production, Properties and Protection | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Steel ā€“ A Construction Material 2. Production of Steel 3. Properties 4. Fire Protection 5. Fatigue Effect 6. Brittle Fracture 7. Corrosion Protection 8. Structural Steel Products 9. Sectional Properties 10. Structural Idealization 11. Structural Elements 12. Structural Design. Steel ā€“ A Construction Material: Steel is the most commonly used structural metal, [...]

By |2018-02-12T15:36:32+05:30February 12, 2018|Civil Engineering|Comments Off on Steel: Production, Properties and Protection | Civil Engineering

How to Determine Loads while Designing a Steel Structure ? | Construction

Determination of the loads for which a structure has to be proportioned is an important task in a design. The various loads that are likely to act on a structure and the possible combinations of such loads that can act are all points to be considered. Dead load refers to the weight of a structure. It is necessary to estimate [...]

By |2018-02-12T15:36:32+05:30February 12, 2018|Steel Structure|Comments Off on How to Determine Loads while Designing a Steel Structure ? | Construction

Welding of Steel: Principle, Defects and Advantages | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Principle of Welding of Steel 2. Standard Welding Processes of Steel 3. Defects 4. Inspection 5. Welding Positions 6. General Considerations 7. Economy 8. Advantages and Disadvantages. Principle of Welding of Steel: Welding is a process of connecting metal parts by fusion. Arc welding and oxy-acetylene welding are the two usual methods [...]

By |2018-02-12T15:36:32+05:30February 12, 2018|Steel Structure|Comments Off on Welding of Steel: Principle, Defects and Advantages | Civil Engineering
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