Tag Archives | Cold Working Process

Flex-Forming: Meaning and Benefits | Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and benefits of flex forming of metals. Meaning of Flex-Forming: High pressure sheet metal forming with flexible tools process, called as flex-forming is widely used in the aero-space and automotive industries, as well as in other industries where sheet metal parts are produced. Parts with complex shapes can be flexing formed. This [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:34+05:30July 24, 2017|Cold Working Process|Comments Off on Flex-Forming: Meaning and Benefits | Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

Cold Rolling Process on Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the cold rolling process which is performed on metals. Sliding and Sticking in Rolling: At surface contact in rolling: (i) Very high local pressures and abnormal material flow occur at the nose and tail of the workpiece, (ii) The contact zone between the workpiece and the roll changes continuously, (iii) The direction of [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:33+05:30July 24, 2017|Rolling|Comments Off on Cold Rolling Process on Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

Theory of Cold Bending (With Diagram) | Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

Bending of pipe, tube, or extruded shapes involves practices and theories of the simple supported beam, the cantilever beam, and many of the problems of forming and deep drawing. Although the theories may become quite complete, the concept of tension stresses in the outside of the bend and compression of the inside surface is common to all bending, regardless of [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:33+05:30July 24, 2017|Cold Working Process|Comments Off on Theory of Cold Bending (With Diagram) | Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

Materials Considerations for Bending of Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

The first step in designing for bending is the choice of material and its physical size and shape, for all other considerations will be directly related. In many cases, the type of material is governed by the end use of the part, such as structural high temperature and pressure applications, corrosion resistance, weight or for food and dairy applications. Perhaps [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:30+05:30July 24, 2017|Cold Working Process|Comments Off on Materials Considerations for Bending of Metals | Industries | Metallurgy
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