Tag Archives | Concrete Technology

How to Repair and Maintain Concrete Works ? | Concrete Technology

For repairing concrete works following methods may be adopted: 1. By the Use of Expanding Cement Method 2. By Dry Pack Method 3. By Replacement of Concrete Method 4. By Mortar Replacement Method or Pneumatically Placed Mortar 5. Pre-Packed Concrete. 1. By the Use of Expanding Cement Method: This method is specially useful for hydraulic structures. If small holes or [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:43+05:30December 28, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on How to Repair and Maintain Concrete Works ? | Concrete Technology

Under Water Repair of Concrete: Features and Steps | Concrete Technology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Special Features of Under Water Repair 2. Steps Involved in Under Water Repair of Concrete 3. Modification in Mix Design 4. Placement Methods. Special Features of Under Water Repair: The special features of underwater repairs are as follows: 1. The underwater repairs are more complex and highly costly. Hence the repair operations [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:43+05:30December 28, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Under Water Repair of Concrete: Features and Steps | Concrete Technology

Repair of Concrete Structures | Concrete Technology

Beams, slabs and columns are the most important components of the concrete structures. Due to the large number of cracks or damages observed in these components of the structures, the repair and rehabi­litation of such members assumes greater importance. Techniques of repairs for beams, slabs and columns are discussed below: Repair of Concrete Floor and Slab System: For the change [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:43+05:30December 28, 2017|Repair|Comments Off on Repair of Concrete Structures | Concrete Technology

Testing of Concrete | Concrete Technology

In this article we will discuss about the tests performed on concrete. Compression Tests: Compression test can be performed on the three types of test specimens, namely cubes, cylinders and prisms. Cubes of standard size of 150 mm are used in India U.K., Germany and many other countries of Europe. Cylinders are the standard specimens in U.S.A. France, Canada, Australia [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:43+05:30December 28, 2017|Tests|Comments Off on Testing of Concrete | Concrete Technology

Pulse Velocity of Concrete: 6 Factors | Concrete Technology

Following factors affect the value of pulse velocity: 1. Smoothness of Contact Surface under Test 2. Length of Path of Pulse Velocity 3. Temperature of Concrete 4. Moisture Conditions of Concrete 5. Presence of Reinforcing Steel 6. Material and Mix Proportion of the Concrete. Factor # 1. Smoothness of Contact Surface under Test: There should be good acoustical contact between [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:43+05:30December 28, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Pulse Velocity of Concrete: 6 Factors | Concrete Technology

Strength Test Results of Concrete: 6 Factors | Concrete Technology

The factors have been found to influence the test results to a great extent are: 1. Effect of Size and Shape of Specimen 2. Effect of Conditions of Casting 3. Effect of Moisture Content of Specimen 4. Effect of Temperature of Specimen at Test 5. Effect of Bearing Conditions 6. Effect of Rate of Loading. Factor # 1. Effect of [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:42+05:30December 28, 2017|Concrete|Comments Off on Strength Test Results of Concrete: 6 Factors | Concrete Technology

Non-Destructive Methods of Testing Concrete | Concrete Technology

Based upon the different properties of concrete the non-destructive methods have been deve­loped. The methods are: 1. Surface Hardness Test 2. Penetration Resistance Test 3. Pull Out Test 4. Dynamic or Vibration Methods. Method # 1. Surface Hardness Test: The hardness of the concrete surface usually is determined by the rebound hammer test. The rebound hammer test was developed in [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:42+05:30December 28, 2017|Tests|Comments Off on Non-Destructive Methods of Testing Concrete | Concrete Technology

How to Control Variation in the Quality of Concrete ?

Generally at site concrete is produced in batches with the locally available materials of variable characteristics. Thus concrete of one batch is likely to be different from the other. The magnitude of this variation depends upon many factors as follows: (a) Variation in the quality of the constituent materials. (b) Variation in the mix proportions due to batching. (c) The [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:03:41+05:30December 28, 2017|Quality|Comments Off on How to Control Variation in the Quality of Concrete ?

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): Advantages and Uses | Concrete Technology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Advantages of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) 2. Disadvantages of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) 3. Use. Advantages of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): If the right quality fly ash is used in optimum percentage, the following advantages of Portland pozzolana cement (PPC) have been observed over ordinary Portland cement. They are: 1. It is [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:57+05:30December 18, 2017|Portland Cement|Comments Off on Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): Advantages and Uses | Concrete Technology

Water: An Ingredient for Production of Concrete | Concrete Technology

For the production of cement concrete, water is one of the most important ingredients as hydration of cement is possible only in the presence of water. The hydration of cement forms gel which on hardening gives strength to the concrete. Thus concrete of any type cannot be prepared without water. The properties of water have been found to influence the [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:57+05:30December 18, 2017|Water|Comments Off on Water: An Ingredient for Production of Concrete | Concrete Technology
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