Tag Archives | Concreting

Placing Concrete Under Water: 5 Methods | Concrete Technology

Following methods can be adopted for placing concrete under water. The methods are: 1. Placing of Concrete in Dewatered Caissons or Coffer Dams 2. Tremie Method 3. Bucket Placing Method 4. Concrete Filling in Bags 5. Pre-Packed Concrete or Grouting Method. Method # 1. Placing of Concrete in Dewatered Caissons or Coffer Dams: In this method same procedure is used [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:53+05:30December 18, 2017|Concreting|Comments Off on Placing Concrete Under Water: 5 Methods | Concrete Technology

Concreting under Extreme Environmental Conditions | Concrete Technology

Whenever concrete is to be placed under extreme weather conditions or under water its performance is affected to a great extent if appropriate measures are not taken to control these conditions. Extreme weather conditions include situations where environmental temperature during the production, and placing of concrete and subsequent curing period are markedly different from those of normal conditions i.e., either [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:53+05:30December 18, 2017|Concreting|Comments Off on Concreting under Extreme Environmental Conditions | Concrete Technology

Placement of Large Concrete Masses | Concrete Technology

In this article we will discuss about the placement of large concrete masses. When large volumes of plain (un-reinforced) concrete are placed in position such as in gravity dams or spillways, the concrete is known as mass concrete. In mass concrete there is always a danger of thermal cracking due to restraint to contraction of concrete on cooling from a [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:53+05:30December 18, 2017|Concreting|Comments Off on Placement of Large Concrete Masses | Concrete Technology

Measures to be taken to Avoid Freezing of Concrete | Concrete Technology

The following measures suggested by IS 7861-Part-II 1981 should be adopted to avoid freezing of concrete: 1. Preservation and Utilization of Heat of Hydration 2. Selection of Suitable Type of Cement 3. Pre-Heating of Concrete Ingredients (Materials) 4. Aggregate Heating 5. Cement Heating 6. Use of Accelerating Admixtures 6. Use of Accelerating Admixtures 7. Use of Air Entrainment and a [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:53+05:30December 18, 2017|Concreting|Comments Off on Measures to be taken to Avoid Freezing of Concrete | Concrete Technology

Precautions of Concreting | Concrete Technology

In this article we will discuss about the precautions to be taken in hot weather and cold weather concreting. Precautions of Concreting in Hot Weather: To improve the quality of concrete, it is necessary that the temperature of the freshly mixed concrete should be as low as possible. It can be obtained by keeping the temperature of its ingredients as [...]

By |2017-12-18T06:19:53+05:30December 18, 2017|Concreting|Comments Off on Precautions of Concreting | Concrete Technology
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