Tag Archives | Deformation

Elastic Deformation of Metals (Atomic Approach) | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the atomic approach to elastic deformation of metals. At absolute zero, the two neighbouring atoms in a metal are in stable equilibrium state when the distance between them is r0. Fig. 6.11 illustrates this schematically. At large distance of separation between two atoms, the main force is of attractive nature, FA (negative). When [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:19+05:30April 24, 2018|Metal Deformation|Comments Off on Elastic Deformation of Metals (Atomic Approach) | Metallurgy

Plastic Deformation of Metals (With Diagram) | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the plastic deformation of metals with its diagram. Referring to Fig. 6.2 the deformation of the specimen is elastic up to the yield point (or elastic limit) and it becomes plastic, i.e. the linear elastic region is followed by a nonlinear plastic region. Although yield strength is an important design parameter for machine [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:19+05:30April 24, 2018|Metal Deformation|Comments Off on Plastic Deformation of Metals (With Diagram) | Metallurgy

Corrosion in Metals: Introduction, Classification and Rate | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Corrosion 2. Classification of Corrosion 3. Rate 4. Corrosion Rates from Polarisation and Mixed Potential Theory. Introduction to Corrosion: Corrosion is responsible for colossal loss of materials occurring everywhere every moment involving billions and billions of rupees annually. It is one of the most serious destructive agents, and is one [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:19+05:30April 24, 2018|Corrosion|Comments Off on Corrosion in Metals: Introduction, Classification and Rate | Metallurgy

How to Prevent Corrosion in Metals: 5 Measures | Metallurgy

Corrosion occurs when metals come in contact with a corrosive atmosphere. Thus, corrosion can be pre­vented by: 1. Geometrical Design 2. Proper Selection of Material 3. Modification of corrosive environment 4. Cathodic Protection 5. Anodic Protection. The most effective and economical method of preventing corrosion is to choose the most suitable geometrical design, most suitable material and then choose most [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:19+05:30April 24, 2018|Corrosion|Comments Off on How to Prevent Corrosion in Metals: 5 Measures | Metallurgy

Hot and Cold Working of Metals | Deformation | Metallurgy

Hot working is defined as the plastic deformation of a material at a temperature above its recrystallisation temperature, whereas working below this temperature is called cold working. The literal meaning of the words, hot and cold in ordinary sense does not apply here. For example, the working of lead and tin at room temperature is called hot working as their [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:18+05:30April 24, 2018|Metal Deformation|Comments Off on Hot and Cold Working of Metals | Deformation | Metallurgy

Cold-Worked Structure in Metals and Alloys: 3 Categories | Metallurgy

Cold-working produces structural changes in polycrystalline metals and alloys, which can be broadly classified in three categories: 1. Changes in Shape and Size of Grains 2. Changes in Orientation of Grains 3. Changes in Internal Structure of the Grains. Category # 1. Changes in Shape and Size of Grains: Commercial metals and alloys are polycrystalline in nature in which the [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:18+05:30April 24, 2018|Cold Working Process|Comments Off on Cold-Worked Structure in Metals and Alloys: 3 Categories | Metallurgy

Plastic Deformation of Metals: 3 Modes | Metallurgy

Plastic deformation occurs by the following modes: 1. Slip 2. Twinning 3. Kink. Mode # 1. Slip: The surface of a crystalline solid which has been polished, Fig. 6.14 (a) and then plastically deformed, generally gets covered with one or, more sets of parallel lines, Fig. 6.14 (c). At high magnifications, these 'slip lines' are found to be steps on [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:18+05:30April 24, 2018|Metal Deformation|Comments Off on Plastic Deformation of Metals: 3 Modes | Metallurgy

Strain Hardening of Single Crystals | Metal Deformation | Metallurgy

When a single crystal is continued to be deformed in the plastic range beyond the yield point, the shear stress required to produce further deformation continues to increase. The increase in the stress required to continue the deformation because of the previous plastic deformation is called as strain-hardening, or work-hardening. As the dislocation density also increases simultaneously with strain (dislocation [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:18+05:30April 24, 2018|Metal Deformation|Comments Off on Strain Hardening of Single Crystals | Metal Deformation | Metallurgy

Stress Concentration in Materials during Deformation | Metallurgy

The main elasticity-based principle for design of components is that the working-stress must remain within the elastic range. The efficient use of materials makes the designer to keep the working-stress quite close to the yield stress but definitely below it. The stress commonly calculated (total load divided by the total cross-sectional area) is called the nominal-stress. But the actual working-stress [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:18+05:30April 24, 2018|Metal Deformation|Comments Off on Stress Concentration in Materials during Deformation | Metallurgy

Various Types of Corrosion in Metals | Metallurgy

Corrosion is a very complex phenomenon. However, depending on the form, appearance and the distribution of the attack, corrosion is classified industrially in following types: 1. Uniform Corrosion 2. Atmospheric Corrosion 3. Inter-Granular Corrosion 4. Pitting Corrosion 5. Crevice Corrosion 6. Stress-Corrosion Cracking 7. Hydrogen-Embrittlement 8. Corrosion-Fatigue 9. Erosion-Corrosion and Few Others. Types # 1. Uniform Corrosion: If corrosion is [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:22:18+05:30April 24, 2018|Corrosion|Comments Off on Various Types of Corrosion in Metals | Metallurgy
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