Tag Archives | Engineering

Processes Used for Joining Metals: Welding, Brazing, Soldering and Gas Cutting Process| Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the processes used for joining metals. Learn about:- 1. Welding 2. Brazing 3. Soldering 4. Gas Cutting Process and Equipment or (Oxyacetylene Gas Cutting Process). 1. Welding: In olden days, in order to join two pieces of metals, riveting was done. But nowadays for joining two pieces of metals welding is done. So, [...]

By |2018-08-01T11:32:17+05:30August 1, 2018|Metals|Comments Off on Processes Used for Joining Metals: Welding, Brazing, Soldering and Gas Cutting Process| Engineering

List of Machine Tools used for Cutting Metals | Engineering

List of Machine Tools used for Cutting Metals! 1. Centre Lathe: The lathe is the father of all machine tools. It is a universal machine tool which can be used—with certain attach­ment—for many processes. For its development to the form in which we now know it, we owe much to Henry Maudlsey, who developed the sliding carriage, and in 1800 [...]

By |2018-08-01T11:32:17+05:30August 1, 2018|Cutting Metals|Comments Off on List of Machine Tools used for Cutting Metals | Engineering

Classification of Welding Processes (with Chart)| Metal Joining | Engineering

Welding is broadly classified into two types: I. Plastic Welding: In this case the two pieces of metals to be joined are heated to plastic state and welding is completed by forcing them. In this case no filler material is added. II. Fusion Welding: In this case the two pieces of metal are heated and brought to molten state and [...]

By |2018-08-01T11:32:17+05:30August 1, 2018|Welding|Comments Off on Classification of Welding Processes (with Chart)| Metal Joining | Engineering

Transportation Planning: Process and Top 5 stages of Transportation Planning

Transportation planning is a complex problem. Increased facilities will change the environment and land use patterns and result in increased trips invalidating the original criteria and projections used. Increased use of operations research and systems approach to transportation planning in recent times seeks to optimise the system performance for deriving maximum benefit from the facilities. The use of mathematical models [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Traffic Engineering|Comments Off on Transportation Planning: Process and Top 5 stages of Transportation Planning

Sheet Metal Manufacturing Process and its Operation Types | Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the sheet metal manufacturing process and its operation types. Introduction to Sheet Metal Work: Most of the sheet metal work is done on presses where a die and punch or other formed tools are required. In press work large force is applied on thin sheet metals to give the required shape or to [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:43+05:30July 23, 2018|Sheet Metal Working|Comments Off on Sheet Metal Manufacturing Process and its Operation Types | Engineering

Bricks: Composition, Qualities, Uses, Tests and Shape | Materials | Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Bricks 2. Composition of Good Brick Earth 3. Harmful Ingredients in Brick Earth 4. Classification of Brick Earth 5. Qualities of Good Bricks 6. Factors Affecting Quality of Bricks 7. Tests for Bricks 8. Classification of Bricks 9. Uses of Bricks 10. Colours of Bricks 11. Size and Weight of [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on Bricks: Composition, Qualities, Uses, Tests and Shape | Materials | Engineering

Comparison between Brickwork and Stonework | Materials | Engineering

Learn about the comparison between brickwork and stonework. The brickwork is superior to the stonework in the following respects: (i) At places where stones are not easily available but where there is plenty of clay, the brickwork becomes cheaper than stonework. (ii) The cost of construction works out to be less in case of brickwork than stonework as less skilled [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on Comparison between Brickwork and Stonework | Materials | Engineering

How to Manufacture Bricks: Brick Manufacturing Process [With Top 4 Steps]

Get the answer of: What is the process of making and manufacturing bricks? Following considerations govern the selection of a brick field for the manufacture of bricks: (i) It should be linked up with the communicating roads so that the materials can be conveyed easily. (ii) It should be situated on a plain ground. (iii) It should be so selected [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on How to Manufacture Bricks: Brick Manufacturing Process [With Top 4 Steps]

Substitutes or Alternatives of Bricks used for Construction in India

Substitutes or Alternatives of Bricks used for Construction in India! According to one study, our country needs about 60 billion bricks every year and if no suitable substitute is found out, this would exhaust about 1600 x 106 kN of clay fields or other agricultural land annually. It will thus make barren about 3000 hectares of fertile land. The extent [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on Substitutes or Alternatives of Bricks used for Construction in India

Comparison: Clamp-Burning and Kiln-Burning of Bricks | Engineering Material

Learn about the comparison or differences between clamp-burning and kiln burning of bricks. Comparison # Clamp-Burning: 1. Capacity: About 20000 to 100000 bricks can be prepared at a time. 2. Cost of Fuel: Low as grass, cow dung, litter, etc. may be used. 3. Initial Cost: Very low as no structures are to be built. 4. Quality of Bricks: The [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Bricks|Comments Off on Comparison: Clamp-Burning and Kiln-Burning of Bricks | Engineering Material
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