Tag Archives | Fluid Mechanics

Types of Hydraulic Systems (With Diagram) | Fluid Mechanics

The following points highlight the eight main types of hydraulic systems. The types are: 1. The Hydraulic Accumulator 2. The Differential Hydraulic Accumulator 3. The Hydraulic Intensifier 4. The Hydraulic Ram 5. The Hydraulic Lift 6. The Hydraulic Crane 7. The Hydraulic Press 8. The Hydraulic Coupling or Fluid Coupling. Type # 1. The Hydraulic Accumulator: A hydraulic accumulator is [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:47+05:30July 23, 2018|Fluids|Comments Off on Types of Hydraulic Systems (With Diagram) | Fluid Mechanics

Mouthpieces Types: Top 5 Types of Mouth Pieces used in Fluid Mechanics [with applications]

A mouth piece is a short pipe fitted externally or internally to an orifice. The length of the mouth piece is 2 to 3 times the diameter of the orifice to which it is fitted. Mouth pieces may be classified based on their position, their shape and the manner in which the mouth piece discharges. Mouth pieces may be external [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Mouthpieces|Comments Off on Mouthpieces Types: Top 5 Types of Mouth Pieces used in Fluid Mechanics [with applications]

Application of Orifices and Its Characteristics | Fluid Mechanics

An orifice may be defined as an opening provided in the side or bottom of a tank, for the purpose of discharging the liquid contained in the tank. It should be noted that the opening will be considered as an orifice only when the liquid surface in the tank is above the upper edge of the opening. Orifices may be [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Orifices|Comments Off on Application of Orifices and Its Characteristics | Fluid Mechanics

Variation of Viscosity of Fluid: Effects of Temperature, Formula and Types | Fluids

Learn about the effects of temperature on viscosity of liquids. In this article we will discuss about variation of viscosity of fluid. Also learn about:- 1. Concept of Dynamic Viscosity as a Modulus 2. Determination of Viscosity. Variation of Viscosity with Temperature: The viscosity of a fluid is due to two contributing factors, namely the cohesion between the fluid molecules [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Fluids|Comments Off on Variation of Viscosity of Fluid: Effects of Temperature, Formula and Types | Fluids

Fluids: Meaning, Perfect and Actual Fluid, Units of Fluid Measurement and Properties

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Fluid 2. Perfect and Actual Fluid 3. Units of Fluid Measurement 4. Properties. Meaning of Fluid: A fluid is a substance which offers no resistance to shear deformation and will continue to deform when subjected to shear stresses. A fluid has no definite shape, and it takes the shape of [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Fluids|Comments Off on Fluids: Meaning, Perfect and Actual Fluid, Units of Fluid Measurement and Properties

List of Pressure Measuring Devices| Fluid Mechanics

List of Pressure Measuring Devices. And the devices are: 1. The Barometer 2.Piezometer or Pressure Tube 3. Manometers 4. The Bourdon Gauge 5. The Diaphragm Pressure Gauge 6. Micro Manometer (U-Tube with Enlarged Ends) . 1. The Barometer: The barometer is a device meant for measuring the local atmospheric pressure. Fig. 2.18 shows a mercury barometer which consists of a [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Measurement of Pressure|Comments Off on List of Pressure Measuring Devices| Fluid Mechanics

Notes on Buoyancy and Floatation: Differences, Problems and Solutions | Fluid Mechanics

Compilation of notes on buoyancy and floatation for engineering students. Note # 1. Meaning of Buoyancy: Consider a body immersed in a liquid. Consider an elemental vertical cylinder of the body of height y and sectional area da. Let the intensity of pressure on the top end of the cylinder be p. The intensity of pressure on the bottom of [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Civil Engineering|Comments Off on Notes on Buoyancy and Floatation: Differences, Problems and Solutions | Fluid Mechanics

Relative Equilibrium of Fluids: Examples, Problems, and Formulas | Fluid Mechanics

Relative Equilibrium of Fluids: Examples, Problems, and Formulas! Liquid Mass Subjected to Uniform Linear Horizontal Acceleration: Fig. 5.1 shows an open tank containing a liquid. When the tank moves horizontally with uniform acceleration, the surface of the liquid which was horizontal earlier will now be at some inclination θ with the horizontal. The level of liquid falls at the front [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Fluids|Comments Off on Relative Equilibrium of Fluids: Examples, Problems, and Formulas | Fluid Mechanics

Fundamentals of Equations of Fluid Flow: Bernoulli’s Theorem and it’s Application | Fluid Mechanics

Fundamentals of Equations of Fluid Flow: Bernoulli's Theorem and it’s Application! Bernoulli's Theorem: This theorem is a form of the well-known principle of conservation of energy. The theorem is stated as follows: In a steady continuous flow of a frictionless incompressible fluid, the sum of the potential head, the pressure head and the kinetic head is the same at all [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Fluids|Comments Off on Fundamentals of Equations of Fluid Flow: Bernoulli’s Theorem and it’s Application | Fluid Mechanics

Kinematics of Fluid Flow: Notes, Methods, Types, Problems and Solutions | Fluid Mechanics

Kinematics of Fluid Flow: Notes, Methods, Problems and Solutions! This article will help you to get the probable answers for the questions related to  Kinematics of Fluid Flow. Kinematics of fluid flow deals with the motion of fluid particles without considering the agency producing the motion. This deals with the geometry of motion of fluid particles. This also deals with [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Kinematics of Fluid Flow|Comments Off on Kinematics of Fluid Flow: Notes, Methods, Types, Problems and Solutions | Fluid Mechanics
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