Tag Archives | Fluids

Relative Equilibrium of Fluids: Examples, Problems, and Formulas | Fluid Mechanics

Relative Equilibrium of Fluids: Examples, Problems, and Formulas! Liquid Mass Subjected to Uniform Linear Horizontal Acceleration: Fig. 5.1 shows an open tank containing a liquid. When the tank moves horizontally with uniform acceleration, the surface of the liquid which was horizontal earlier will now be at some inclination θ with the horizontal. The level of liquid falls at the front [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Fluids|Comments Off on Relative Equilibrium of Fluids: Examples, Problems, and Formulas | Fluid Mechanics

Fluids: Meaning, Perfect and Actual Fluid, Units of Fluid Measurement and Properties

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Fluid 2. Perfect and Actual Fluid 3. Units of Fluid Measurement 4. Properties. Meaning of Fluid: A fluid is a substance which offers no resistance to shear deformation and will continue to deform when subjected to shear stresses. A fluid has no definite shape, and it takes the shape of [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:54+05:30June 15, 2018|Fluids|Comments Off on Fluids: Meaning, Perfect and Actual Fluid, Units of Fluid Measurement and Properties
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