Tag Archives | Ground Water

Design of Open Wells (With Diagram) | Wells | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the design of open wells with the help of suitable diagrams. 'Draw Wells' or Open Wells are shallow wells which are usually confined to soft ground, sand and gravel. The diameter of these wells may be between 1 m to 4 m and depth may be up to 20 metres depending on the [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Design of Open Wells (With Diagram) | Wells | Water Engineering

Artesian Wells and its Yield | Ground Water | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the artesian wells and calculation of its yield. Artesian Wells: This is the name derived for the well from which water flows automatically under pressure. The water from these wells flows out in form of foundation to a height of 2.5 metres depending on the hydrostatic pressure. In some artesian-wells water flows continuously [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Artesian Wells and its Yield | Ground Water | Water Engineering

Construction of Infiltration Well (Diagram) | Ground Water | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the construction of infiltration well with the help of a suitable diagram. Infiltration wells are shallow wells constructed under the beds or rivers and nallas. These wells are very suitable for Indian conditions where there are deposits of sand and porous material at least 3 m deep in river beds. In the sandy [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Construction of Infiltration Well (Diagram) | Ground Water | Water Engineering

Formation of Cavity in Wells (With Diagram) | Ground Water | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the formation of cavity in wells with the help of a suitable diagram. When the water is not withdrawn from the well, the water level inside the well is equal to the static water table outside the well. But when the water is being drawn from the well at some constant rate, the [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Formation of Cavity in Wells (With Diagram) | Ground Water | Water Engineering

Calculation of Ground Water Yield (With Formula) | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the calculation of ground water yield with formula. When the water enters in the ground, it starts filling its pores. When all the voids of pores are filled with water, the soil is known as saturated soil or saturated formation. When the ground water soaked by the soil is drained or taken out [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Calculation of Ground Water Yield (With Formula) | Water Engineering

Determining Yield of a Well: 2 Methods | Ground Water | Water Engineering

The measurement of an open well yield can be determined by the following method: 1. Actual Pumping Method 2. By Theoretical Calculations. 1. Actual Pumping Method: The yield of well is determined by pumping out water from it. In this method first the water is withdrawn from the well at very high rate, then the rate of pumping is reduced [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Determining Yield of a Well: 2 Methods | Ground Water | Water Engineering

Infiltration Galleries and its Yield | Ground Water | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the infiltration galleries and calculation of its yield. Infiltration Galleries: Ground water travels towards lakes, rivers or streams. This water which is travelling can be intercepted by digging a trench or by constructing a tunnel with holes on sides at right angle to the direction of flow of underground water. These underground tunnel [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Infiltration Galleries and its Yield | Ground Water | Water Engineering
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