Tag Archives | India

Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation | India | Management

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation 2. History of Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation 3. Overview 4. Origin 5. Services Available to the Public 6. Institutes of Road Transport 7. Awards 8. Other Related Information. Contents: Introduction to Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation Overview of the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation [...]

By |2018-08-01T08:45:35+05:30August 1, 2018|Transportation Engineering|Comments Off on Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation | India | Management

History of Indian Cement Industry | Materials | Engineering

The manufacture of Portland cement was started in England around 1825. Belgium and Germany started the same in 1855. America started the same in 1872 and India started the same in 1904. The first cement factory was installed in Tamil Nadu in 1904 by South India Industry Limited and then onwards a number of factories manufacturing cement were started. Our [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:52+05:30June 1, 2018|Cement|Comments Off on History of Indian Cement Industry | Materials | Engineering

List of Indian Timber Tree Used for the Engineering Purposes

There are over 150 species of timber which are produced in India. Following are the chief varieties of timber trees which are used for the engineering purposes in India: (1) Aini: Its colour is yellowish brown. It is elastic, close-grained and strong. Its weight at 12 per cent moisture content is 5950 N/m3. It takes polish. It can be used [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:51+05:30June 1, 2018|Timber|Comments Off on List of Indian Timber Tree Used for the Engineering Purposes

Public Water Supply System in India | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Development of Public Water Supply System 2. Need for Protected Water Supplies 3. Objectives 4. Planning 5. Components. Contents: Development of Public Water Supply System Need for Protected Water Supplies  Objectives of Public Water Supply System Planning of Water Supply Scheme for a Town or City Components of Public Water Supply Scheme [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:03+05:30May 15, 2018|Public Water Supply System|Comments Off on Public Water Supply System in India | Water Engineering

Growth of Power Systems in India (With Statistics)

In this article we will discuss about the growth of power systems in India. India is fairly rich in natural sources like coal and lignite and has immense water power resources of which only about 25% have been utilised so far. Some oil reserves have already been discovered and intense exploration is being undertaken in various states. Though India is [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:16+05:30December 7, 2017|Power System|Comments Off on Growth of Power Systems in India (With Statistics)

Hydroelectric Power Plants: Arrangement and Advantages | India

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Arrangement of Hydroelectric Power Plants 2. Selection of Site for Hydroelectric Power Plants 3. Types  4. Hydro Potential in India 5. Automatic and Remote Control 6. Advantages and Disadvantages 7. Generators Employed 8. Plant Layout 9. Auxiliaries 10. Environmental Impacts. Introduction to Hydroelectric Power Plants in India: Hydroelectric power is the power [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:16+05:30December 7, 2017|Power Plants|Comments Off on Hydroelectric Power Plants: Arrangement and Advantages | India

Energy Management and Captive Power Plants | India

Huge finances are required in setting up of central power plants and for providing infrastructure for the transmission and distribution of generated electric power. Because of fi­nancial constraints, the central and state governments, the various state electricity boards, and the various public sector organi­zations (like NTPC, NHPC, Nuclear Power Corporations) do not find them in a position to undertake the [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:16+05:30December 7, 2017|Power Plants|Comments Off on Energy Management and Captive Power Plants | India

Steam Power Plants: Efficiency and Merits | India

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Steam Power Plants 2. Efficiency of Steam Power Plants 3. Merits and Demerits 4. Layout 5. Steam Power Plant Auxiliaries 6. Turbo-Alternators. Introduction to Steam Power Plants: The fact that thermal energy is the major source of power generation itself shows the importance of thermal power generation in India more than 50 [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:15+05:30December 7, 2017|Steam Power Plants|Comments Off on Steam Power Plants: Efficiency and Merits | India

Nuclear Power Plants: Need, Economics and Merits | India

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Need of Nuclear Power Plants 2. Economics of Nuclear Power Plants 3. Merits and Demerits  4. Selection of Site 5. Constituents and Lay Out 6. Power Rating 7. Pollution and Its Disposal. Need of Nuclear Power Plant: The need of nuclear power plant lies in the fact that the hunger for electricity [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:15+05:30December 7, 2017|Nuclear Power Plant|Comments Off on Nuclear Power Plants: Need, Economics and Merits | India

Solar Power: Challenges and Constraints | India | Electricity

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Solar Power in India 2. Present Status of Solar Power in India 3. Research and Development Programmes 4. Challenges and Constraints. Introduction to Solar Power in India: As on 2010, India power sector has a total installed capacity of around 167,000 MW of which 54% is coal-based, 25% hydro, 8% [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:12+05:30December 7, 2017|Solar Energy|Comments Off on Solar Power: Challenges and Constraints | India | Electricity
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