Tag Archives | L.P.P

Graphical Method for Solution of L.P.P | Project Management

After reading this article you will learn about the graphical method for solution of L.P.P with the help of examples. The graphic solution procedure is method of solving two variable linear programming problems for LPPs that have one two variables, it is possible that the entire set of feasible solution can be displayed graphically by plotting linear constraints on a [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:30+05:30March 21, 2017|Project Management|Comments Off on Graphical Method for Solution of L.P.P | Project Management

Artificial Variables Techniques for Solving L.P.P | Operation Research

This article throws light upon the top two artificial variable techniques for solving L.P.P. The techniques are: 1. The Big-M technique. 2. The Two Phase Method. 1. The Big-M Method: This method consists of the following basic steps: Step 1: Express the L.P.P in the standard form. Step 2: Add non-negative artificial variables to the left hand side of all [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:29+05:30March 21, 2017|Linear Programming|Comments Off on Artificial Variables Techniques for Solving L.P.P | Operation Research

Simplex Method for Solution of L.P.P (With Examples) | Operation Research

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to the Simplex Method 2. Principle of Simplex Method 3. Computational Procedure 4. Flow Chart. Introduction to the Simplex Method: Simplex method also called simplex technique or simplex algorithm was developed by G.B. Dantzeg, An American mathematician. Simplex method is suitable for solving linear programming problems with a large number [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:29+05:30March 21, 2017|Linear Programming|Comments Off on Simplex Method for Solution of L.P.P (With Examples) | Operation Research

Requirement of Linear Programme Problem (L.P.P) | Operations Research

After reading this article you will learn about the requirement of Linear Programme Problem (L.P.P). Linear programming is an optimization technique for finding an optimal (maximum or minimum) value of a function, called objective function, of several independent variables, the variable being subject to various restrictions expressed as equation or inequalities. The term linear indicates that the function to be [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:29+05:30March 21, 2017|Linear Programming|Comments Off on Requirement of Linear Programme Problem (L.P.P) | Operations Research
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