Tag Archives | Metal Formation

Classification of Metal Forming Processes | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the classification of metal forming processes. 1. Compressive Forming Processes: In these processes the plastic state is reached by application of uni-axial or multi-axial compressive forces. Examples are forging, extrusion, rolling, indenting, coining, etc. (Fig. 2.2) shows the stress states in the material during rolling, forging, coining and extrusion processes. In the rolling [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:06+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Formation|Comments Off on Classification of Metal Forming Processes | Metallurgy

5 Main Processes of Unconventional Metal Formation | Metallurgy

There are a number of processes, described below, which may be called unconventional forming processes or high energy rate forming processes. In these processes, unconventional sources of energy such as  Explosive Forming, Electro-Hydraulic Forming, Magnetic Pulse Forming, Petro-Forge and Drop Hammer and Dynapak etc., are used. The release of energy is at extremely high rate and hence the name high [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:06+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Formation|Comments Off on 5 Main Processes of Unconventional Metal Formation | Metallurgy

Determining Stress in Metal Forming Process | Metallurgy

For determining the normal and shear stresses on an inclined plane is by a graphical construction popularly known as Mohr's stress circle or simply Mohr's circle. For the sake of simplicity we take the co-ordinate axes along the principal stresses as shown in Fig. 3.5. The equations of the previous section when referred to this co-ordinate system become as given [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:06+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Stress|Comments Off on Determining Stress in Metal Forming Process | Metallurgy

How to Analyze Strain in Metal Forming Process? | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about how to analyze strain in metal forming process. Deformation: If on the application of forces, the particles of a deformable body change their relative positions with respect to one another, the body is said to be deformed. However, if there is no change in the relative positions of the particles with respect to [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:06+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Stress|Comments Off on How to Analyze Strain in Metal Forming Process? | Metallurgy

How to Analyze Stress in Metal Forming Processes? | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about how to analyze stress in metal forming processes. Stress State at a Point: Let us first examine what comprises a complete state of stress at a point. State of stress at a point comprises the stress vectors or components of stress vectors acting on three mutually perpendicular planes passing through the point. With [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:06+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Stress|Comments Off on How to Analyze Stress in Metal Forming Processes? | Metallurgy

Construction of Slip Lines | Metal Formation | Metallurgy

Slip lines may be constructed in the body which is undergoing plastic deformation or is at the yield point, provided the stresses, i.e. normal stress and shear stress, are completely known on its entire boundary. The construction gives an orthogonal network of slip lines covering the cross section of the deforming body. We can reach any point inside the body [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:06+05:30April 18, 2018|Slip Lines|Comments Off on Construction of Slip Lines | Metal Formation | Metallurgy

How to Determine Metal Forming Problems? (With Solution) | Metallurgy

The following article will guide you about how to determine metal forming problems. Also learn about the three methods used for solving the metal forming problems. A simple tensile test is a case of uni-axial stress state, i.e. say σ11 ≠ 0 while all other components of stress state (or stress tensor) are equal to zero. For such a case [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:06+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Formation|Comments Off on How to Determine Metal Forming Problems? (With Solution) | Metallurgy

Geometrical Properties of Slip Lines | Metal Formation | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the geometrical properties of slip lines. 1. Hencky's First Theorem: Both the theorems of Hencky are geometrical properties of slip lines. The first theorem may be stated as follows. If a pair of lines of one type (say α) is intersected by lines of second type (β) then the angle between the tangents [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:06+05:30April 18, 2018|Slip Lines|Comments Off on Geometrical Properties of Slip Lines | Metal Formation | Metallurgy

How to Analyze Rolling of Wide Strips? | Metals | Metallurgy

Here we make use of slab method for analysis of rolling of wide strips. In wide strip rolling the lateral spread is very small and hence it may be assumed that the widening of strip during rolling is negligible and hence it becomes a case of plane strain deformation. The process is illustrated in Fig. 7.7. The deformation zone may [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on How to Analyze Rolling of Wide Strips? | Metals | Metallurgy

Types of Longitudinal Rolling Stands | Equipment | Metallurgy

The following points highlight the seven main types of longitudinal rolling stands. The types are: 1. Two High Rolling Stand 2. Three High Rolling Stand 3. Four High Rolling Stand 4. Sendzimir Rolling Stands 5. Planetary Rolling Stands 6. Universal Rolling Stands 7. Rolling of Splines. Type # 1. Two High Rolling Stand: A rolling stand is the basic rolling [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on Types of Longitudinal Rolling Stands | Equipment | Metallurgy
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