Tag Archives | Power Flow

Gauss-Iterative Method to Solve Power Flow Problems | Electrical Engineering

Gauss-iterative method is essentially a trial and error method and provides a sufficiently accurate numerical solution to power flow problem. The steps in solving the problem by this method are: 1. Guess the initial solution approximately. 2. This guessed solution is used in conjunction with the original equation to compute a new and more accurate estimate for the solution. 3. [...]

By |2017-08-22T10:10:10+05:30August 22, 2017|Power Flow|Comments Off on Gauss-Iterative Method to Solve Power Flow Problems | Electrical Engineering

Fast Decoupled Method to Solve Power Flow Problem | Electrical Engineering

The fast decoupled power flow method is a very fast and efficient method of obtaining power flow problem solution. In this method, both, the speeds as well as the sparsity are exploited. This is actually an extension of Newton-Raphson method formulated in polar coordinates with certain approximations which result into a fast algorithm for power flow solution. This method exploits [...]

By |2017-08-22T10:10:10+05:30August 22, 2017|Power Flow|Comments Off on Fast Decoupled Method to Solve Power Flow Problem | Electrical Engineering

Gauss-Seidel Method for Power Flow Studies | Electrical Engineering

For explaining the application of Gauss-Seidel method for power flow studies, let it be assumed that all buses other than the swing or slack bus are P-Q or load buses. At slack bus both V and δ are specified and they remain fixed throughout. There are (n – 1) buses where P and Q are given. Initially we assume the [...]

By |2017-08-22T10:10:10+05:30August 22, 2017|Power Flow|Comments Off on Gauss-Seidel Method for Power Flow Studies | Electrical Engineering

Newton-Raphson Method to Solve Power Flow Problem | Electrical Engineering

The power flow problem can also be solved by using Newton-Raphson method. In fact, among the numerous solution methods available for power flow analysis, the Newton-Raphson method is considered to be the most sophisticated and important. Many advantages are attributed to the Newton-Raphson (N-R) approach. Gauss-Seidel (G-S) is a simple iterative method of solving n number load flow equations by [...]

By |2017-08-22T10:10:09+05:30August 22, 2017|Power Flow|Comments Off on Newton-Raphson Method to Solve Power Flow Problem | Electrical Engineering
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