Tag Archives | Properties

Material Properties: Alloying, Heat Treatment, Mechanical Working and Recrystallization

Material Properties: Alloying, Heat Treatment, Mechanical Working and Recrystallization! Method # 1. Alloying: Alloy steels are broadly classified into two categories: (i) Low Alloy Steels  (ii) High Alloy Steels In low alloy steels, the total content of the alloying elements, such as Cr, Ni, Mo, V, and Mn, is kept within 5%. Each alloying element imparts a specific property to [...]

By |2018-10-29T14:01:54+05:30October 29, 2018|Material Properties|Comments Off on Material Properties: Alloying, Heat Treatment, Mechanical Working and Recrystallization

Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials | Manufacturing Science

In this article we will discuss about the manufacturing and mechanical properties of engineering materials. Learn about:- 1. Structure of Matter 2. Metals and Alloys 3. Deformation and Mechanical Properties. Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials Structure of Matter: The properties of a material are intimately connected to its basic molecular structure. Some knowledge of this structure is therefore [...]

By |2018-10-29T14:01:52+05:30October 29, 2018|Engineering Materials|Comments Off on Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials | Manufacturing Science

Properties of Fluid: Pressure and Temperature | Fluid | Thermal Engineering

Properties of Fluid: Pressure and Temperature! 1. Pressure: The pressure is a force applied per unit area and is measured in units N/m2 or pascal. The absolute pressure of a gas is the result of a large number of the molecules forming the gas striking the walls of the vessel. The force per unit area is called the specific pressure [...]

By |2018-09-16T14:27:45+05:30September 16, 2018|Fluids|Comments Off on Properties of Fluid: Pressure and Temperature | Fluid | Thermal Engineering

How to Measure Dryness Fraction of Steam : Top 4 Methods| Thermodynamics

There are four methods of determining the dryness fraction of steam. They are as mentioned below: 1. Bucket Calorimeter: This method of determining the dryness fraction of steam is not exact. The value of dryness fraction obtained by this method is lower than the actual value. The apparatus shown in fig. 3-21 consists of a copper calorimeter which is placed [...]

By |2018-09-16T14:27:30+05:30September 16, 2018|Steam Dryness Fraction|Comments Off on How to Measure Dryness Fraction of Steam : Top 4 Methods| Thermodynamics

Entropy of Vapours in 3 Phases: Water, Evaporation and Superheated Steam | Thermodynamics

Liquids are heated and evaporated at constant pressure. The vapours are also superheated at constant pressure in superheaters. For this reason the entropy of vapours can be calculated from the formula for the change of entropy at constant pressure. We consider the entropy of vapour in three phases of formation. In the following topic the entropy of steam and the [...]

By |2018-09-16T14:27:30+05:30September 16, 2018|Thermodynamics|Comments Off on Entropy of Vapours in 3 Phases: Water, Evaporation and Superheated Steam | Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics: Properties, Process , Cycles and Examples | Physics

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Thermodynamic Properties 2. Thermodynamic Process 3. Thermodynamic Cycle 4. Thermodynamics Examples. Thermodynamic Properties: Every system has certain characteristics such as Pressure, Volume, Temperature, Density, Internal Energy. Enthalpy etc. by which its physical condition may be described. Such characteristics are called as Properties of the system. Properties may be of two types: 1. [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:45+05:30July 23, 2018|Thermodynamics|Comments Off on Thermodynamics: Properties, Process , Cycles and Examples | Physics

Entropy: Clausius Theorem, Property, Equations and Representation | Thermodynamics

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Entropy 2. Clausius Theorem for a Process and for a Cycle 3. Entropy—A Property 4. Clausius Inequality 5. Change of Entropy in a System 6. Property Relations from Energy Equations 7. General Equations for Change in Entropy 8. Change in Entropy during Various Processes 9. Representation of Various Processes on [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:44+05:30July 23, 2018|Entropy|Comments Off on Entropy: Clausius Theorem, Property, Equations and Representation | Thermodynamics

Properties of Engineering Materials: General, Physical and Mechanical

In this article we will discuss about: 1. General Properties of Engineering Materials 2. Physical Properties of Engineering Materials 3. Mechanical Properties. General Properties of Engineering Materials: The economists mainly concerned with the industries manufacturing engineering materials are interested in finding out ways in which the engineering materials can be used or applied in the best economic way. The economist should [...]

By |2018-06-01T17:46:53+05:30June 1, 2018|Engineering Materials|Comments Off on Properties of Engineering Materials: General, Physical and Mechanical

Metallic Properties of Metals | Metallurgy

The free electron theory of metals, which started with Drude (1902), has been able to explain quite successfully the following properties, called the metallic properties: 1. Good Electrical and Thermal Conductivity 2. Opaque and Lustrous 3. Good Ductility 4. Alloying Behaviour of Metals 5. High Melting Points. Property # 1. Good Electrical and Thermal Conductivity: As the free electrons in [...]

By |2018-04-21T08:09:36+05:30April 21, 2018|Metallic Properties|Comments Off on Metallic Properties of Metals | Metallurgy

Technological Properties of Metals | Metallurgy

Technological properties are those qualities which give information regarding the suitability of metals for various technological operations or processes. Such properties are highly desirable in shaping, forming and fabrication of materials. The following technological properties will be discussed: 1. Machinability 2. Weldability 3. Castability 4. Formability 5. Malleability. 1. Machinability: It is defined as the ease with which a given [...]

By |2018-04-21T07:54:28+05:30April 21, 2018|Technological Properties|Comments Off on Technological Properties of Metals | Metallurgy
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