Tag Archives | Pumps

Centrifugal Pump : Notes, Application, Methods, Principle and Diagram

Centrifugal Pump : Notes, Application, Methods, Principle and Diagram! Notes on Centrifugal Pump: While a turbine is a device to convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy, a pump is a device to convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. A centrifugal pump acts as a reversed turbine except that in this device special modifications are made to increase the efficiency. Centrifugal [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:52+05:30June 15, 2018|Centrifugal Pump|Comments Off on Centrifugal Pump : Notes, Application, Methods, Principle and Diagram

Reciprocating Pumps: Parts, Diagram, Types and Working Principle | Fluid Mechanics

Reciprocating Pumps: Parts, Diagram, Types and Working Principle! Introduction to Reciprocating Pumps: A reciprocating pump is a positive displacement pump. This means, the liquid is first sucked into a cylinder and then displaced or pushed by the thrust of a piston or plunger. The pump consists of a cylinder and a piston. The cylinder is in communication with suction and [...]

By |2018-06-15T08:41:52+05:30June 15, 2018|Reciprocating Pumps|Comments Off on Reciprocating Pumps: Parts, Diagram, Types and Working Principle | Fluid Mechanics

Vacuum Pump: Characteristics and Types | Physics

In recent years, the technique of producing high vacua has got great importance. Apart from its use in radio and X-ray equipment, it has helped us for investigating the behaviour of atoms and molecules under low pressure conditions. This has the reciprocal effect causing further improvements in exhaust pumps and high vacuum technique, in general. Today we can produce as [...]

By |2018-05-16T06:23:19+05:30May 16, 2018|Vacuum Pump|Comments Off on Vacuum Pump: Characteristics and Types | Physics

Engines Used for Operating Pumps: 4 Types | Pumps | Water Engineering

The following are the various types of engines which are mostly used to operate pumps: 1. Electric Motors 2. Gasoline Engines 3. Steam Engines 4. Diesel Engines. Type # 1. Electric Motors: These can be used only at such places where electric current is available with ease. But now-a-days as mostly everywhere electric power is easily available; water works use [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:25+05:30March 21, 2017|Pumps|Comments Off on Engines Used for Operating Pumps: 4 Types | Pumps | Water Engineering

Classification of Pumps | Pumping Stations | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the classification of pumps based on their principles of operation. 1. Displacement Pumps: In these types of pumps vacuum is created mechanically by the moveable part of the pumps. In the vacuum first the water is withdrawn inside the pumps, which on the return of mechanical part of the pump is displaced and [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:25+05:30March 21, 2017|Pumping Stations|Comments Off on Classification of Pumps | Pumping Stations | Water Engineering

Position of Valves in Pump Installations | Pumps | Water Engineering

For the efficient running of pumps and maintaining the discharge in the pipe line, certain valves are fitted in the pipe line at various positions. A foot valve is provided just at the bottom of the suction pipe, for holding the water in the suction pipe because it will not allow the downward flow of water and will prevent priming [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:24+05:30March 21, 2017|Pumps|Comments Off on Position of Valves in Pump Installations | Pumps | Water Engineering

Pumping Stations: Location, Selection and Sizing | Pumping Stations | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Location of Pumping Stations 2. Site Selection for the Pumps and Pumping Stations 3. Sizing of Pump Units and Stand by Capacity. Location of Pumping Stations: The location of the pumping station is very important and should be done carefully. If the water is drawn from the tube-well it is the usual [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:24+05:30March 21, 2017|Pumping Stations|Comments Off on Pumping Stations: Location, Selection and Sizing | Pumping Stations | Water Engineering

Selection of Pumps: 11 Factors | Pumps | Water Engineering

Before the selection of a particular pump, there are various factors which must be kept in view. Broadly, following are the main factors which should be considered while doing selection of pump for a particular scheme: 1. Capacity: It should be capable of pumping required quantity of water. 2. Reliability: It should be reliable and should not fail suddenly and [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:24+05:30March 21, 2017|Pumps|Comments Off on Selection of Pumps: 11 Factors | Pumps | Water Engineering
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