Tag Archives | Rolling

Types of Longitudinal Rolling Stands | Equipment | Metallurgy

The following points highlight the seven main types of longitudinal rolling stands. The types are: 1. Two High Rolling Stand 2. Three High Rolling Stand 3. Four High Rolling Stand 4. Sendzimir Rolling Stands 5. Planetary Rolling Stands 6. Universal Rolling Stands 7. Rolling of Splines. Type # 1. Two High Rolling Stand: A rolling stand is the basic rolling [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on Types of Longitudinal Rolling Stands | Equipment | Metallurgy

Type of Longitudinal Rolling Mills | Metals | Metallurgy

The names of longitudinal rolling mills are generally derived from the products they roll. Some of the names are, bloom rolling mill, billet rolling mill, merchant section rolling mill or simply merchant mill, rail and heavy section rolling mill. For getting a rolled product different types of rolling stands and several other pieces of equipment are employed. Besides, there are [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on Type of Longitudinal Rolling Mills | Metals | Metallurgy

Hot & Cold Rolling of Sheets and Plates | Metals | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the setup for hot and cold rolling of sheets and plates. Setup for Hot Rolling of Sheets and Plates: The overall view of the set up for hot rolling of sheets, strips and plates is shown in Fig. 8.19. The starting point is rolling of slabs out of cast ingot in a slab [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on Hot & Cold Rolling of Sheets and Plates | Metals | Metallurgy

Elastic Deformation of Rolls and Strip | Metals | Metallurgy

In cold rolling of steel strips and sheets, the yield strength of strip material is fairly high and very high specific roll pressures and hence rolling loads are experienced. Consequently high elastic deformations are also associated along with the plastic deformations. The elastic deformation of roll surface makes the roll surface flatter or in other words it increases the effective [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on Elastic Deformation of Rolls and Strip | Metals | Metallurgy

Longitudinal Rolling of Strips and Sheets | Metals | Metallurgy

The process of longitudinal rolling process is illustrated in Fig. 7.1. The ingot or billet is passed through two rotating rolls mounted in a rigid frame or stand. The gap between the rolls is adjusted to less than the height of incoming billet and hence it gets rolled to a reduced height while it increases in length and width. Let [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on Longitudinal Rolling of Strips and Sheets | Metals | Metallurgy

How to Obtain Rolling Torque? | Metals | Metallurgy

The torque is obtained by integrating the frictional force multiplied by roll radius over the arc of contact (lagging and leading zones). The negative sign before the second term is due to the fact that in leading zone the metal moves faster than the rolls hence it helps to rotate the rolls. The above integration leads to rather complex calculations. [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on How to Obtain Rolling Torque? | Metals | Metallurgy

How to Determine Rolling Load in Hot Rolling of Strip? | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about slab method and Ekulund's formulation for determining rolling load in hot rolling of strip. Slab Method for Determining Rolling Load: The total rolling load or rolling force PT may by be determined by integrating px over the lagging and leading zones. Thus we can write, Ekulund's Formulation for Determining Rolling Load: Ekulund gave [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on How to Determine Rolling Load in Hot Rolling of Strip? | Metallurgy

How to Analyze Rolling of Wide Strips? | Metals | Metallurgy

Here we make use of slab method for analysis of rolling of wide strips. In wide strip rolling the lateral spread is very small and hence it may be assumed that the widening of strip during rolling is negligible and hence it becomes a case of plane strain deformation. The process is illustrated in Fig. 7.7. The deformation zone may [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:05+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on How to Analyze Rolling of Wide Strips? | Metals | Metallurgy

Mills for Reducing Tube Thickness and Sizing | Metallurgy

The following points highlight the six main mills for reducing tube thickness and sizing. The mills are:- 1. Pilger Mill 2. Mandrel Mill 3. Plug Mill 4. Reeling Process 5. Assel Mill 6. Stretch Reducing Mill. 1. Pilger Mill: The tubular shells produced in piercing process are further processed. Pilger mill is commonly used after rotary piercing. This process consists [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:04+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on Mills for Reducing Tube Thickness and Sizing | Metallurgy

Transverse Rolling of Discs | Metal Rolling | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Transverse Rolling of Discs 2. Components of Transverse Rolling of Discs 3. Study of Deformation. Introduction to Transverse Rolling of Discs: The transverse rolling processes are used to roll shapes on cylindrical components. The commonly known processes are as follows: (i) Transverse rolling of discs. (ii) Roll piercing of solid [...]

By |2018-04-18T05:33:04+05:30April 18, 2018|Metal Rolling|Comments Off on Transverse Rolling of Discs | Metal Rolling | Metallurgy
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