Tag Archives | Sedimentation

How to Design Horizontal Flow Settling Tanks? | Waste Management

In order to get a fairly high percentage of removal of the suspended material in a continuous flow type settling tank, it is desirable that the tank is properly designed. For this it is essential to study the various design considerations for these tanks which are as follows: (i) Velocity of flow (ii) Surface overflow rate and solids loading rate [...]

By |2018-04-16T10:25:15+05:30April 16, 2018|Sedimentation|Comments Off on How to Design Horizontal Flow Settling Tanks? | Waste Management

Settling of Solids: Types and Analysis | Sedimentation | Waste Management

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Characteristics of Settleable Solids 2. Types of Settling 3. Analysis of Settling of Discrete Particles-Type 1 Settling 4. Performance of Settling Tanks. Characteristics of Settleable Solids: The settleable solids to be removed from sewage in primary and secondary settling tanks after grit removal are mainly organic and flocculent in nature, either dispersed [...]

By |2018-04-16T10:25:15+05:30April 16, 2018|Sedimentation|Comments Off on Settling of Solids: Types and Analysis | Sedimentation | Waste Management

Chemical-Aided Sedimentation of Sewage | Waste Management

Chemical-aided sedimentation of sewage is analogous to chemical coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation in water treatment. The colloidal and finely dispersed solids which cannot be removed by plain primary sedimentation alone, as they possess extremely low settling velocities, are aggregated into settleable particles by addition of chemicals known as coagulants in chemical-aided sedimentation. Chemical-aided sedimentation involves the unit processes and operations [...]

By |2018-04-16T10:25:15+05:30April 16, 2018|Sedimentation|Comments Off on Chemical-Aided Sedimentation of Sewage | Waste Management

Classification of Settling Tanks | Sedimentation | Waste Management

The settling tanks are generally made of reinforced cement concrete and may be rectangular or circular in shape. The settling tanks can be classified in the following two ways: 1. Classification based on method of operation: (a) Fill and draw type settling tanks (b) Continuous flow type settling tanks 2. Classification based on location: (a) Preliminary settling tanks (grit chambers) [...]

By |2018-04-16T10:25:15+05:30April 16, 2018|Sedimentation|Comments Off on Classification of Settling Tanks | Sedimentation | Waste Management

Process of Sedimentation in the Treatment of Sewage | Sanitary Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the process of sedimentation in the treatment of sewage. The sewage is passed through plain sedimentation before the biological treatment and by sedimentation with coagulation after the biological treatment. The process of sedimentation with coagulation is also known as 'Chemical Precipitation'. Therefore, sedimentation is a very important process in the treatment of sewage. [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:00:57+05:30April 21, 2017|Sanitary Engineering|Comments Off on Process of Sedimentation in the Treatment of Sewage | Sanitary Engineering
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