Tag Archives | Tools

List of Machine Tools used for Cutting Metals | Engineering

List of Machine Tools used for Cutting Metals! 1. Centre Lathe: The lathe is the father of all machine tools. It is a universal machine tool which can be used—with certain attach­ment—for many processes. For its development to the form in which we now know it, we owe much to Henry Maudlsey, who developed the sliding carriage, and in 1800 [...]

By |2018-08-01T11:32:17+05:30August 1, 2018|Cutting Metals|Comments Off on List of Machine Tools used for Cutting Metals | Engineering

Essay on Geographic Information System (GIS) | Engineering

Here is an essay on ‘Geographic Information System (GIS)’ for class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Geographic Information System (GIS)’ especially written for school and college students. Essay on GIS   Essay Contents: Essay on the Introduction to Geographic Information System Essay on GIS History Essay on GIS Components Essay on Geographic Spatial [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|GIS|Comments Off on Essay on Geographic Information System (GIS) | Engineering

Remote Sensing: Components & Applications | Tools | Soil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Remote Sensing 2. Remote Sensing Classification 3. Spectral Characteristics 4. Components 5. Requirements  6. Remote Sensing Satellites 7. Communication and Data Collection 8. Detection of Electromagnetic Radiation 9. Applications. Contents: Meaning of Remote Sensing Remote Sensing Classification Spectral Characteristics of Remote Sensing Components of Remote Sensing System Requirements for an [...]

By |2018-03-20T05:51:47+05:30March 20, 2018|Remote Sensing|Comments Off on Remote Sensing: Components & Applications | Tools | Soil Engineering

Rms Variation Indices and Its Applications | Electrical Engineering

For many years, the only indices defined to quantify rms variation service quality were the sustained interruption indices (SAIFI, CAIDI, etc.). Sustained interruptions are in fact only one type of rms variation. IEEE Standard 1159-19957 defines a sustained interruption as a reduction in the rms voltage to less than 10 percent of nominal voltage for longer than 1 min. Sustained [...]

By |2017-12-28T10:24:52+05:30December 28, 2017|Power Quality|Comments Off on Rms Variation Indices and Its Applications | Electrical Engineering

Tool Life: Ways and Measurement | Metal Cutting | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Tool Life 2. Ways of judging Tool Life 3. Measurement. Definition of Tool Life: Under the modern methods of machining, it would be desirable to have as long tool life as possible. Tool life has many interpretations, but in general, it is defined "as the actual cutting time between two [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:13+05:30July 24, 2017|Metal Cutting|Comments Off on Tool Life: Ways and Measurement | Metal Cutting | Metallurgy

Coatings on HSS Metal Cutting Tools | Industries | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the role of coatings on High Speed Steel (HSS) tools. Also learn about the process of deposition of coating on HSS tools in industries. Role of Coatings on HSS Tools: The performance of HSS tools can be enhanced many folds by applying coating of titanium nitride (TiN) on HSS metal cutting tools. This [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:13+05:30July 24, 2017|Metal Cutting|Comments Off on Coatings on HSS Metal Cutting Tools | Industries | Metallurgy

7 Factors Influencing Tool Life | Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

The following points highlight the seven factors influencing tool life of metals in the industries. The factors are: 1. Cutting Speed 2. Physical Properties of Work Piece 3. Area of Cut 4. Ratio of Feed to Depth of Cut (f/d) 5. Shape and Angles of Tools 6. Effect of Lubricant 7. Nature of Cutting. Factor # 1. Cutting Speed: Cutting [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:13+05:30July 24, 2017|Metal Cutting|Comments Off on 7 Factors Influencing Tool Life | Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

Failure of Metal Cutting Tools: 3 Factors | Industries | Metallurgy

The following points highlight the three main factors responsible for failure of tools in the industries. The factors are: 1. Temperature Failure 2. Rupture of Tool Point 3. Gradual Wear at the Tool Point. Factor # 1. Temperature Failure: During machining at high speeds, very high temperature exists at tool chip interface. When temperature exceeds the critical limit, the tool [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:13+05:30July 24, 2017|Metal Cutting|Comments Off on Failure of Metal Cutting Tools: 3 Factors | Industries | Metallurgy
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