Tag Archives | Transmission Lines

How to Protect Transmission Lines ? | Electrical Engineering

There are several protective schemes for transmission lines and may be grouped into two groups viz., non-unit type and unit type. The non-unit type of protection includes time-graded overcurrent protection, current-graded overcurrent protection, and distance protection, while the unit type protection includes pilot-wire differential protection, carrier-current protection based on phase comparison method etc. Separate protection systems are necessary for ground [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on How to Protect Transmission Lines ? | Electrical Engineering

Time-Graded Protection of Transmission Lines (Applications) | Electricity

The application of time-graded protection to radial feeders, parallel feeders, and ring main system will be discussed here: Application # 1. Protection of Radial Feeders: The main characteristic of a radial system is that power can flow in one direction only, from generator or supply end to the load end. It has the drawback that continuity of supply cannot be [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Time-Graded Protection of Transmission Lines (Applications) | Electricity

Carrier-Current Protection of Transmission Lines | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Carrier-Current Protection 2. Methods of Carrier-Current Protection 3. Advantages. Introduction to Carrier-Current Protection: In modern high-power electrical systems it is necessary to have quick-acting protections on long transmission lines. The requirements to be met by such protections are fully satisfied by the circulating current differential protection with its high sensitivity, [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Carrier-Current Protection of Transmission Lines | Electrical Engineering

Bus-Bar Protection of Transmission Lines | Electrical Engineering

The most commonly used schemes for bus-zone protection are: 1. Backup Protection for Bus-Bars 2. Frame Leakage or Fault-Bus Protection 3. Differential Overcurrent Protection. All the protection schemes must also be provided with a check system to ensure that the protection responds only to earth faults occurring within the bus zone and not to extraneous earth faults. 1. Backup Protection [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:16:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Bus-Bar Protection of Transmission Lines | Electrical Engineering

Transmission Lines for Transmitting Electrical Energy

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Transmission Lines 2. Conductor Configurations in Transmission Lines 3. Types of Conductors 4. Resistance 5. Skin Effect 6. Proximity Effect 7. Economical Size. Contents: Introduction to Transmission Lines Conductor Configurations in Transmission Lines Types of Conductors Used in Transmission Lines Resistance of Transmission Line Skin Effect of Transmission Line Proximity [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:47:51+05:30November 9, 2017|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Transmission Lines for Transmitting Electrical Energy

Inductance of Overhead Transmission Lines | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the determination of inductance for overhead transmission lines.  Inductance is the property by virtue of which a circuit opposes changes in the value of a varying current flowing through it. While the resistance of a circuit opposes the flow of both steady as well as varying currents, the inductance causes opposition only to [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:47:51+05:30November 9, 2017|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Inductance of Overhead Transmission Lines | Electrical Engineering

Performance of Short Transmission Lines | Electrical Engineering

In a short transmission line the shunt conductance and shunt capacitance are neglected and so only the series resistance and inductive reactance are to be considered. The equivalent circuit of a short transmission line is shown in Fig. 5.1 (a) where R and X represent the total resistance and inductive reactance of both the conductors (i.e., go and return) of [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:47:51+05:30November 9, 2017|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Performance of Short Transmission Lines | Electrical Engineering

Transmission Line: Regulation and Efficiency | Electrical Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Classification of Transmission Lines 2. Regulation of Transmission Line 3. Efficiency. Classification of Transmission Lines: For discussing the performance of the overhead transmission lines they are classified as short, medium and long transmission lines. The overhead transmission lines are classified depending upon the manner in which capacitance is taken into account. Transmission [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:47:51+05:30November 9, 2017|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Transmission Line: Regulation and Efficiency | Electrical Engineering

Transmission Lines for Transmitting Electrical Energy

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Transmission Lines 2. Conductor Configurations in Transmission Lines 3. Types of Conductors 4. Resistance 5. Skin Effect 6. Proximity Effect 7. Economical Size. Contents: Introduction to Transmission Lines Conductor Configurations in Transmission Lines Types of Conductors Used in Transmission Lines Resistance of Transmission Line Skin Effect of Transmission Line Proximity [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:47:51+05:30November 9, 2017|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Transmission Lines for Transmitting Electrical Energy

Representation of Medium Transmission Lines: 3 Methods | Electricity

For transmission lines of length up to 80 km and transmitting power at relatively low voltage; (voltage below 20 kV), the capacitance is too small that its effects can be neglected. However, the effects of shunt capacitance become more and more pronounced with the increase in length and operating voltage of the line. Since medium transmission lines have sufficient length [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:47:50+05:30November 9, 2017|Transmission Lines|Comments Off on Representation of Medium Transmission Lines: 3 Methods | Electricity
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