Tag Archives | Transportation Engineering

Highway Planning: Intro, Objectives, Principle, Process, Necessity and Importance

Read this article to learn about: 1. Objectives of highway planning 2. Necessity of highway planning in India 3. Principle of Highway Planning 4. Highway Planning Process 5. Importance of Highway Planning. Introduction to Highway Planning: Planning is a prerequisite for any engineering activity or project; this is particularly true for the development of a highway network or system in [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:47+05:30July 23, 2018|Transportation Engineering|Comments Off on Highway Planning: Intro, Objectives, Principle, Process, Necessity and Importance

How to Test and Check the Quality of Tar used in Road Construction?

The following tests are conducted on tar to check or assess its suitability or quality for specific uses in road construction: 1. Specific Gravity: For determining the specific gravity of tar, the same procedure as for bitumen using a pyknometer is applicable. 2. Distillates: A distillation flask of about one litre capacity is filled with a weighed quantity of tar [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Highway Materials|Comments Off on How to Test and Check the Quality of Tar used in Road Construction?

Highway Pavement: Layers, Functions, Types, Defects, Rigid and Flexible Pavements

Highway Pavement: Layers, Functions, Types, Defects, Rigid and Flexible Pavements! Pavement design, in general, consists of determining the thickness of the pavement or of the several layers of which it is composed in order to resist the wheel loads of the traffic and transmit them safely on to the foundation soil. Thus, the strength of the pavement must be adequate [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Highway Pavement|Comments Off on Highway Pavement: Layers, Functions, Types, Defects, Rigid and Flexible Pavements

How to Design Rigid Pavements? | Highway | Transportation Engineering

The design of rigid pavements involves the design of the thickness of the cement concrete slab comprising the rigid pavement, since the pavement derives its structural strength primarily through the flexural strength of the slab. Except for low traffic volumes and street roads, reinforced cement concrete (RCC) slabs are used as rigid pavements. In addition to the design of thickness, [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Highway Pavement|Comments Off on How to Design Rigid Pavements? | Highway | Transportation Engineering

How to Design Flexible Pavements: Top 4 Methods |Transportation Engineering

Design of pavements has been based on experience and judgment in the past. But the design methodology has taken rapid strides towards rationality in the past few decades based on an understanding of the stresses and strains in the layers constituting the pavement and application of the concept of reliability in achieving the desired level of service during the pavement's [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Highway Pavement|Comments Off on How to Design Flexible Pavements: Top 4 Methods |Transportation Engineering

Traffic: Volume Studies, Flow Characteristics and Forecasting | Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Traffic Volume Studies 2. Traffic Flow Characteristics 3. Traffic Forecasting. Traffic Volume Studies: Systematic traffic surveys, traffic studies, and their scientific analysis are essential in traffic engineering and find wide application in planning for future needs of roads, improvement of existing facilities, geometric design aspects, pavement design, and traffic regulation and control. [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Traffic Engineering|Comments Off on Traffic: Volume Studies, Flow Characteristics and Forecasting | Engineering

Highway Capacity: Definition, Importance, Factors and Formula

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Highway Capacity 2. Importance of the Concept of Highway Capacity 3. Factors Affecting Capacity and Level of Service 4. Traffic Capacity Formula. Definition of Highway Capacity: Highway capacity is associated with traffic volume and traffic density. Traffic volume is the number of vehicles passing a given point on a roadway [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Traffic Engineering|Comments Off on Highway Capacity: Definition, Importance, Factors and Formula

Traffic Signals: Notes, Importance and Methods Used for the Design of Traffic Signals

Traffic Signals: Notes, Importance and Methods Used for the design of traffic signals. The following definitions, concepts and explanations are useful or important in and relevant to the design of traffic signals. (i) Time Cycle: The period of time required for the complete sequence of signal aspect at any one arm of an intersection from red to the onset of [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Traffic Signals|Comments Off on Traffic Signals: Notes, Importance and Methods Used for the Design of Traffic Signals

Rotary Intersections of Highway: Design Elements, Advantages & Disadvantages

A rotary intersection is a specialised form of intersection-at-grade in which the traffic movies in one direction round a central island. For 'keep-to-the-left' rule, vehicles approaching the intersection are forced to move around the central island in an orderly manner and weave out of the rotary into their respective desired directions. Design Elements of a Rotary: A number of elements [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Highway|Comments Off on Rotary Intersections of Highway: Design Elements, Advantages & Disadvantages

Highway Intersection and Its Types [with notes and diagram]

When two or more roads intersect or cross, the users of these roads have to necessarily adjust their movement in order to avoid 'collision'; this adjustment could be by way of reduction in speed and/or change in the path of their motion. An intersection is defined as "the general area where two or more highways join or cross, within which [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Highway|Comments Off on Highway Intersection and Its Types [with notes and diagram]
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