Tag Archives | Water Supply Engineering

Chemical Examination of Water: 9 Tests | Water Engineering

Following tests are carried out in the chemical examination of water: 1. Presence of Solids 2. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 3. Chemical Oxygen Demand 4. Stability and Relative Stability 5. Chlorides and Sulphides 6. Chlorine Demand 7. Nitrogen 8. Determining pH-Value 9. Grease, Oil and Fats. Test # 1. Presence of Solids: It is most essential to know the quantity of [...]

By |2017-04-21T09:00:58+05:30April 21, 2017|Water Engineering|Comments Off on Chemical Examination of Water: 9 Tests | Water Engineering

Essay on Distribution System of Water | Water Engineering

Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Distribution System of Water’ for class 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Distribution System of Water’ especially written for school and college students. Essay on Distribution System of Water Essay Contents: Essay on the Meaning of Distribution System Essay on the Classification of Distribution System Essay on [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:28+05:30March 21, 2017|Water Engineering|Comments Off on Essay on Distribution System of Water | Water Engineering

Essay on Water Supplies in Rural Areas | India | Water Engineering

Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Water Supplies in Rural Areas’ for class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Water Supplies in Rural Areas’ especially written for school and college students. Essay on Water Supply in Rural Areas Essay Contents: Essay on the Introduction to Water Supplies in Rural Areas Essay on [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:28+05:30March 21, 2017|Water Engineering|Comments Off on Essay on Water Supplies in Rural Areas | India | Water Engineering

Calculation of Ground Water Yield (With Formula) | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the calculation of ground water yield with formula. When the water enters in the ground, it starts filling its pores. When all the voids of pores are filled with water, the soil is known as saturated soil or saturated formation. When the ground water soaked by the soil is drained or taken out [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Calculation of Ground Water Yield (With Formula) | Water Engineering

Determining Yield of a Well: 2 Methods | Ground Water | Water Engineering

The measurement of an open well yield can be determined by the following method: 1. Actual Pumping Method 2. By Theoretical Calculations. 1. Actual Pumping Method: The yield of well is determined by pumping out water from it. In this method first the water is withdrawn from the well at very high rate, then the rate of pumping is reduced [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Determining Yield of a Well: 2 Methods | Ground Water | Water Engineering

Infiltration Galleries and its Yield | Ground Water | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the infiltration galleries and calculation of its yield. Infiltration Galleries: Ground water travels towards lakes, rivers or streams. This water which is travelling can be intercepted by digging a trench or by constructing a tunnel with holes on sides at right angle to the direction of flow of underground water. These underground tunnel [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Infiltration Galleries and its Yield | Ground Water | Water Engineering

Design of Open Wells (With Diagram) | Wells | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the design of open wells with the help of suitable diagrams. 'Draw Wells' or Open Wells are shallow wells which are usually confined to soft ground, sand and gravel. The diameter of these wells may be between 1 m to 4 m and depth may be up to 20 metres depending on the [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Ground Water|Comments Off on Design of Open Wells (With Diagram) | Wells | Water Engineering

Determination of Reservoir Capacity | Surface Water |Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the determination of reservoir capacity with the help of hydrograph and mass-curve. Determination of Reservoir Capacity with the Help of Hydrograph: This method is not common in determining the capacity of the reservoir to be constructed. In the method the stream flow data at the site of the reservoir arc determined. In case [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Surface Water|Comments Off on Determination of Reservoir Capacity | Surface Water |Water Engineering

Continuous Flow Sedimentation Tanks | Water Treatment | Water Engineering

The continuous flow type of sedimentation tanks are widely adopted at present and hence, it becomes essential to study in detail some of the design aspects of these tanks. Following are the aspects of continuous flow sedimentation tanks: 1. Velocity of Flow 2. Capacity of Tank 3. Miscellaneous Considerations. 1. Velocity of Flow: The velocity of flow of water in [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Water Treatment|Comments Off on Continuous Flow Sedimentation Tanks | Water Treatment | Water Engineering

Continuous Flow Settling Tanks | Water Treatment | Water Engineering

For the purpose of designing, the continuous flow basin may be divided into following four zones: (a) An inlet zone, (b) A settling zone, (c) Sludge zone, and (d) An outlet zone. Before starting design work the following simple assumptions could be made: (i) The water in the settling zone acts as quiescent without any disturbance and the sedimentation takes [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:37:27+05:30March 21, 2017|Water Treatment|Comments Off on Continuous Flow Settling Tanks | Water Treatment | Water Engineering
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