Tag Archives | Wind Engineering

Physical Modelling of the Atmospheric Boundary Level | Wind Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to the Physical Modelling of ABL 2. Primary Features of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) 3. Similarity Criteria 4. The Meteorological Wind Tunnel (MWT). Introduction to the Physical Modelling of ABL: Efforts to determine wind effects on objects and dispersion of air pollutants using small-scale models in air flows generated by [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Wind Engineering|Comments Off on Physical Modelling of the Atmospheric Boundary Level | Wind Engineering

Comparison of Wind-Tunnel and Field Measurements

Comparisons of wind-tunnel and field measurements are essential for checking the validity of modelling criteria and procedures. Micrometeorological data used for the subsequent comparisons are primarily from measurements in the ASL. Stably stratified flow over a smooth surface with only a saw-tooth trip at the test-section entrance was investigated in the MWT by Arya et al (1969). A graph showing [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Wind-Tunnels|Comments Off on Comparison of Wind-Tunnel and Field Measurements

Bluff Body Aerodynamics: Features and Development

In this article we will discuss about the primary features and historical development of bluff body aerodynamics. Primary Features of Bluff Body Aerodynamics: The term "bluff body aerodynamics" is intended to cover the study of flow fields around, and force on, a body from which boundary layers are separating to form unsteady vortex flows in a wake region. The great [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Aerodynamics|Comments Off on Bluff Body Aerodynamics: Features and Development

Field Measurements of Strong Winds (With Interpretation) | Wind Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Strong Winds 2. Historical Perspective of Strong Winds 3. High Wind Speeds 4. Description of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer 5. The Structure of Winds and Its Measurement 6. Description of Statistics 7. Some Significant Measurements 8. Conclusion. Introduction to Strong Winds: The occurrence of strong winds, to their measurement and [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Measurements|Comments Off on Field Measurements of Strong Winds (With Interpretation) | Wind Engineering

How to Measure Fluctuating Pressure? | Wind Engineering

In this article we will discuss about how to measure fluctuating pressure caused my wind movements. Pressure Transducers: The basic requirement of a pressure transducer is a device which accurately transforms a pressure difference to an electrical voltage. Two basic phenomena are used: (i) The change in resistance of conducting or semiconducting element as it is strained; and (ii) The [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Pressure Measurements|Comments Off on How to Measure Fluctuating Pressure? | Wind Engineering

How to Estimate Extreme Wind Speeds? | Wind Engineering

In this article we will discuss about how to estimate extreme wind speeds without regard to direction. To within a constant dimensional factor, the time series Wj is the same as the time series maxi [vJ(θl)] = Vj (j = 1,2, . . ,N). Extreme idealized wind loads can therefore be obtained from estimates of the extreme variate V Inferred [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Wind Speeds|Comments Off on How to Estimate Extreme Wind Speeds? | Wind Engineering

Estimates of Various Types of Wind Speeds | Wind Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the estimates of various types of wind speeds. Estimates of Extreme Wind Speeds from Short Records: A procedure for estimating extreme wind speeds without regard for direction at locations where long-term data are not available was reported by Simiu et al. (1982) and Grigoriu (1984). The method, whose applicability was tested for 36 [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Wind Speeds|Comments Off on Estimates of Various Types of Wind Speeds | Wind Engineering

Relation: Extreme Wind Speeds and Extreme Wind Loads | Wind Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the relation between extreme wind speeds and extreme wind loads. Assume that the wind velocity is known at a particular location and elevation near a structure, where it is unaffected by any obstructions and is therefore indicative of the ambient wind environment. The wind pressure at a point on the building surface, or [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Wind Speeds|Comments Off on Relation: Extreme Wind Speeds and Extreme Wind Loads | Wind Engineering

Dynamic Characteristics of Prototype Structures | Wind Engineering

This article is concerned with measuring the dynamic properties of prototype structures, especially those characteristics which are important for calculating structural response to wind loading. Introduction to the Dynamic Characteristics of Prototype Structures: In the design of a tall building or a large bridge, the evaluation of structural response to the design wind load may be important both for serviceability [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Prototype Structures|Comments Off on Dynamic Characteristics of Prototype Structures | Wind Engineering

Developments in the Aeroelasticity of Bridges | Wind Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the developments in the aeroelasticity of bridges. For over 100 years prior to the pivotal Tacoma Narrows bridge disaster of 1940 flexible bridges had been noticeably disturbed and some severely damaged by the wind. However, the late 1930's and early 1940's witnessed introduction of new consciousness and appreciation of what kinds of forces [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:10:33+05:30March 13, 2018|Bridges|Comments Off on Developments in the Aeroelasticity of Bridges | Wind Engineering
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