Here is a term paper on quantum tunneling.

Quantum tunneling (or tunneling) is the quantum- mechanical outcome of transitioning into a previously-forbidden energy state. Consider rolling a ball up a hill. If the ball does not have the proper amount of velocity, then it will not roll over the hill.

This makes sense to many of us who have read the tales of Greek mythology, particularly Sisyphus and his endless quest to roll his boulder up the hill. While he was not successful, many scientists believe that there might be another way for the ball to get to the other side of the hill. It just isn’t a traditional one. Why? Because quantum mechanics offers another solution.

In quantum mechanics, objects do not behave like classic objects, but instead exhibit a wave like behavior. In thinking of a quantum particle, since is it both a wave and a particle, the particle can in theory extend through the hill because of its wave like qualities.


Various probability equations can predict the probability of the particle’s location and it has the possibility of being detected on the other side of the hill. As a result, it appears to have tunneled through the hill, thus the name quantum tunneling or tunneling.

Scientists measured electrons escaping that should not be energetic enough to make a break for it. In the normal world around us, this would be similar to a child jumping into the air, but instead leaping over the whole house (gravity not withstanding).

The child should not be expected to achieve that feat based on their specific skill set. Scientists also were puzzled because they were measuring something that didn’t seem achievable by the electrons. So how were they making the leap? It is possible because of the quantum tunneling. This unique way of moving takes advantage of the various natures or states of matter.

Quantum tunneling is possible because of the wave-like nature of matter. As confusing as it may seem, in the world of quantum physics, particles can perform actions that are similar to waves of water rather than billiard balls.


To put it simply, an electron doesn’t exist in one place at one specific time with a defined amount of energy, but instead exists within a wave of probabilities. As a result, the particle acts more like a wave and appears to flow in a wave like fashion. Probability predicts the various points of a wave or where a particle will be at any given point in time.

The physicist Manfred Lein stated that electrons can be designated by wave functions. These functions can extend from the inside to the outside of an atom, demonstrating that a portion of an electron is always on the atom’s outside.

In one recent experiment, researchers used a laser light to subdue the energy barrier that would typically trap an electron inside a helium atom. This laser reduced the overall strength of the barrier so that an electron wouldn’t have the energy required to escape the atom. Instead, the atom could try to cheat and similar to a mole tunnel its way through.

The researchers found that the electron tunneled through in a very short window of time. They are currently trying to trace the cycle of the electron. By doing so, they hope to determine the exact moment the electron officially left the energy barrier. So how will they measure something so infinitely small?


To measure this, these physicists looked for the photon of light produced when an electron rejoins the atom after making its escape through the tunnel. In some instances, scientists have used a laser to keep the electron away, thus preventing it from recombining with the atom.

By doing so, they are able to observe the electron’s tunneling and take the appropriate measurements. The forced separation also gives the scientists the ability to note how the electron reacts when forced to remain separated from its original atom.

While this is the first time scientists pinpointed when an electron tunneled through an atom, it won’t be the last. Today, technology is providing scientists with ever more accurate tools to help them measure and understand the molecular world. Previously, theoretical calculations could predicted the timing of quantum tunneling, but the process had not been directly measured and with such accuracy.

The findings could help scientists understand other speedy courses that count on quantum tunneling, which are often observed within nature itself. These experiments are just part of a larger attempt to understand how the Earth and the Universe function within the limits of physical laws. But Quantum Physics also has its central principles that help to define the world around us.